Thomas Tallis (1510-1585) The Lamentations of Jeremiah Deller Consort, Alfred Deller
01. The Lamentations Of Jeremiah: Premiere Lecon 7:31 02. The Lamentations Of Jeremiah: Deuxieme Lecon 13:31 03. Jam Lucis Orto Sidere 1:28 04. Salvator Mundi Domine (Cantiones Sacrae) 5:14 05. Deus Turoum Militum 3:04 06. Iste Confessor 2:52 07. Sermone Blando Angelus 3:07 08. Jam Christus Astra Ascenderat 3:59 09. Ex More Docti Mistico 2:19 10. Te Lucis Ante Terminum 2:11
Total time: 45'16"
The Deller Consort Honor Sheppard (soprano) Alfred Deller, Mark Deller (hautes-contre) Neil Jenkins (tenor) Maurice Bevan, Christopher Keyte, Simon Deller (barytons) Robert Elliott (organ) dir. Alfred Deller
Thank You very much for posting! I know it is an old post, but I was looking for this album for some time so I am verily glad I could have finally found it here :-)
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