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«  Январь 2010  »

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Главная страница » 2010 » Январь » 24 » Эмпайр Брасс - Empire Brass - King's Court And Celtic Fair (1996)
Эмпайр Брасс - Empire Brass - King's Court And Celtic Fair (1996)

Теги: Empire Brass

King's Court and Celtic Fair

1 Calum and the Princess Jig
2 Basse Danse Bergeret
3 13th Century
4 Earle of Oxford March
5 Hamelin Gigue
6 Samhradh' Summertime
7 Amarilli mia bella
8 The Seagull Jig
9 La Mourisque
10 He-Ro-Hirum
11 He Moved Thro' the Fair
12 Sarabande
13 King Arthur Overture
14 Cumulous Sanctus
15 The Foxhunter Jig
16 Tambourin\
17 Les Niais de Sologne
18 Amazing Grace
19 Joy de Sologne

The Empire Brass enjoys an international reputation as North America's finest brass ensemble, renowned for its brilliant virtuosity and the unparalleled diversity of its repertoire. The five musicians - all of whom have held leading positions with major American orchestras - perform more than 100 concerts a year, in cities like New York, Boston, Chicago, Washington, London, Zürich and Tokyo. With their best-selling recordings on the Telarc label, they have introduced an even larger worldwide audience to the excitement of brass music ranging from JS Bach and Georg Frideric Handel to Jazz and Broadway. They are equally at home in the majestically antiphonal works that Gabrieli composed for St. Mark's Cathedral in Venice and the exuberantly show-stopping tunes that Richard Rodgers and Andrew Lloyd Webber wrote for Broadway.

In addition to playing across the USA, the Empire Brass has toured the Far East 16 times, and performs regularly in Europe. It has played to standing-room crowds in the former Soviet Union, where their concert was broadcast on television. The ensemble has performed with major symphony orchestras such as the Chicago Symphony , Boston Symphony , the Philadelphia Orchestra , New York Philharmonic , Toronto Symphony , Detroit Symphony Orchestra , Cincinnati Symphony and Zürich's Tonhalle Orchester. It regularly visits leading summer festivals including Ravinia, Tanglewood, Caramoor, Saratoga and Chautauqua. In addition to its many appearances in the USA, the Empire Brass recently performed to sold-out audiences in Kuala Lumpur. The Empire Brass made their debut tour of China during the 1999-2000 season.

Recent engagements include performances at Carnegie Hall, New York's Central Park, the Ventura Chamber Music Festival, the Kennedy Center in Washington DC, with the San Francisco Symphony, the Rhode Island Philharmonic, and their 17 th recital tour of the Far East. Highlights of the 2002-2003 season include performances with the Hartford Symphony, Delaware Symphony, Waco Symphony and at Interlochen.

The Empire Brass has been awarded the Naumburg Prize and the Harvard Music Association Award. It is a frequent guest on nationally syndicated radio programs including Saint Paul Sunday Morning, Traditions, and NPR Performance Today, and has been televised on Good Morning America, the Today Show, Mr. Roger's Neighborhood, and in 1999, a special Holiday concert for NHK Japan. Among its many honours, Empire Brass became the first ensemble to play at the newly remodeled Carnegie Hall and opened the Carnegie Hall Centennial Gala, joining forces with members of the New York Philharmonic in the world premiere of Joan Tower's specially commissioned Fanfare for the Uncommon Woman.

Mp3 320


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Всего комментариев: 7
1. Квакль Бродякль (Солныш)   (25 Января 10 00:39) [Материал]

2. почитатель (kubra)   (25 Января 10 18:07) [Материал]
Странное ощущение от прослушанного. Безусловно, это высококлассный ансамбль (хотя у меня создаётся такое впечатление, что ансамбль этот состоит из одного человека - трубача Рольфа Смедвига; какой диск ни возьму, каждый раз все остальные участники разные. Текучка!). Но в изначальных дисках аранжировки были более соответствующими стилистике Ренессанса, и сопровождение ударных было деликатным и ненавязчивым. Сейчас же это всё больше скатывается в некое смешение стилей: тут и фолк, тут и Ренессанс, тут и какие-то чуть ли не рОковые ударные, гремящие всё назойливей и откровенно мешающие слушать... В общем, картина стилистически какая-то пёстрая. Не в восторге я, честно признаться.
Но за ознакомление спсибо.

3. anm (alyosha)   (25 Января 10 20:52) [Материал]
Спасибо! И отдельно за файлообменник!

4. Сергей Дереза (Klar)   (18 Февраля 10 23:02) [Материал]
Спасибо! Ещё не слушая, предвкушаю удовольствие!

5. Savelych (Savelych)   (25 Февраля 10 16:17) [Материал]

6. alex sidmak (sidmak)   (24 Марта 10 06:07) [Материал]
Хоть критика в их адрес раздалась,
Мне нравится их эта ипостась! :D


7. Misha Struganoff (StruganoffMV)   (27 Октября 10 19:23) [Материал]

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