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И.С. Бах, концерт для флейты с оркестром, 2 трио-сонаты, сюита №2, Джеймс Гэлуэй (ape) [аудио]
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«  Январь 2010  »

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Главная страница » 2010 » Январь » 13 » Кармело Бернаола. Симфоническая музыка.
Кармело Бернаола. Симфоническая музыка.
Carmelo Bernaola Spanish composer (Basque)

Carmelo Alonso Bernaola is a Spanish composer. (Ochandiano, Vizcaya on June 16 of 1929, Madrid June 5 of 2002). Member of the so-called Generation of 51, is one of the foremost exponents of Spanish music in the second half of the century XX.Y in 2007 was recognized with a street and the name of the conservatory in that city.

While still a child, at age seven, his family moved to Medina de Pomar (Burgos), where he began his early musical studies. In 1943, when he was fourteen years old, moved to Burgos, where he was taught by Professor White, arrived to play in the Band of the Academy of Engineers. Already in 1951, is intended to Madrid where he continued his studies at the Conservatory, was a student of E. Massó , Francisco Calés Pina y Julio Gómez . Masso, Cales Francisco Pina and Julio Gomez. In 1957 he received a grant from the Fundación Carmen del Rio of the Academy of Fine Arts which allowed him to study composition. Two years later, in 1959, gets another grant to continue the music course that is taught in Santiago de Compostela and in the same year, he moved to Rome where he studied at the Spanish Academy of Fine Arts, being a pupil of Goffredo Petrasi , Sergiu Celibidache and Bruno Maderna. In the Italian capital was awarded the Prix de Rome, in its Spanish Section category. Back in Spain he studied at Santiago de Compostela with André Jolivet and the virtuous Alexander Tansman, returning again to Madrid, where he held the square of the City Band clarinet. He was also professor of harmony at the Conservatory of Madrid and, since 1981, director of the School of Music Jesus Guridi de Vitoria, a position he held until 1991.

He died in Madrid on 5 June 2002.

1. Villanesca

2. Abestiak

3. Tiento
Orquesta Sinfonica de Tenerife, Victor Pablo Perez

4. Symphony No. 2
Orquesta Sinfonica de Euskadi, Jose Ramon Encinar

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Всего комментариев: 4
1. Big Dog (Malamute)   (13 Января 10 16:34) [Материал]
Spasibo for opening a name new to me.

2. anm (alyosha)   (13 Января 10 19:34) [Материал]
Thank you! I don`t know this composer too. It`s interesting.

3. andrey (angalord)   (14 Января 10 21:46) [Материал]
gracias por enlaces. no le conoci a este compositor antes

4. doc-ballast (doc-ballast)   (15 Января 10 15:35) [Материал]
Thanks! But -20db in peaks it is a quiet almost! For classical music required -4db. :D

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