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И.С. Бах - Токатты и фуги, пассакалия - Тон Копман [аудио]
Михаил Плетнев, Российский национальный оркестр - Девять симфоний Бетховена [аудио]
Бетховен, Брамс, концерты для скрипки с оркестром, Яша Хейфец (1939-1940) [аудио]
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«  Январь 2010  »

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Текущая дата: Среда, 29 Января 25, 23:47
Главная страница » 2010 » Январь » 12 » Анджей Никодемович. Концерты для фортепиано с оркестром №№3, 5.
Анджей Никодемович. Концерты для фортепиано с оркестром №№3, 5.

Radio broadcast

Andrzej Nikodemowicz: Piano cto no. 3 "Lvov"

Oksana Rapita, piano, Lvov String Orchestra "Leopolis”, Roman Rewakowicz, Conductor


Piano cto no. 5

Jozsef Ormeny, Piano, State Symphony Orchestra of Polish Radio, Jan Krenz, Conductor


Sorry I don't write Russian

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Всего комментариев: 7
1. почитатель (kubra)   (12 Января 10 03:06) [Материал]
Dear Jim, I´ve opened your posting after some edition. If you are about to continue posting music on our site please mind the order and pattern of this edition - where what is located. If you cannot type in Russian, we will help you with translation.

Welcome in club! :)

2. James Semadeni (mattbrown)   (12 Января 10 05:09) [Материал]
Thanks, I have thousands and thousands of radio broadcasted piano concertos, some from Greece, etc. but I am not technologically advanced, plus not knowing Russian. I speak French and Spanish and a little German. I will try again sometime. Again, thanks

3. Борис Наваков (standart171)   (12 Января 10 07:41) [Материал]
James, thank you very much!!! We are have to see you thousands and thousands of radio broadcasted piano concertos!!! appl appl appl piano piano piano bravo bravo bravo

4. James Semadeni (mattbrown)   (12 Января 10 07:54) [Материал]
I am a liar, I may have that many pf ctos but not off radio, sorry, I was so excited when I was able to contribute and pay back some of the rarities I have found here on this wonderful site, please forgive my childish enthusiasm, but I will add as many as I can, also lots of other types of concertos and orchestral works, that is not a lie. God, I feel like a jerk.

5. андрей касацкий (zaswer)   (12 Января 10 11:48) [Материал]
And still concerts will spread? If will be, it would be desirable to know what composers.

6. андрей касацкий (zaswer)   (12 Января 10 11:55) [Материал]
Into the account of thousand piano concertos, you likely have gone too far.And even if also is, the most part is already on a site... I by the way too can lay out concerts which 200 was not present on a site. If you still spread something be convinced that it is not present on a site

7. Big Dog (Malamute)   (12 Января 10 12:09) [Материал]
Spasibo! Thank you for this interesting and rare release!

'I feel like a jerk.'
Me too (sometimes). :) No sweat!

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