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«  Июль 2022  »

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Главная страница » 2022 » Июль » 3 » Франц Пауль Лахнер - Катарина Корнаро, королева Кипра (Катерина Корнаро) [Мюнхен, 2012 г. — Дирижер: Ральф Вайкерт]
Франц Пауль Лахнер - Катарина Корнаро, королева Кипра (Катерина Корнаро) [Мюнхен, 2012 г. — Дирижер: Ральф Вайкерт]

Теги: Франц Пауль Лахнер, Катерина Корнаро, Lachner, Катарина Корнаро, Ralf Weikert, лахнер, Franz Lachner, Catharina Cornaro, Франц Лахнер, Franz Paul Lachner, Ральф Вайкерт

At a time when the majority of German composers turned from the opera to the singspiel, Franz Lachner continued the tradition of the grand historical opera with 'Catharina Cornaro'. The once successful opera, last performed in Munich in 1903, was forgotten for many decades, but a few years ago the editor Volker Tosta of Stuttgart prepared a new edition of this work, its first published version, especially for the concert performance by the Munich Radio Orchestra. The action of the tragic opera is based on the true-life story of the Queen of Cyprus. It is hard to believe that this musically appealing work, which captivated the audience at Munich's Prince Regent Theater already with its highly atmospheric overture during the performance on which this CD is based, ever could be forgotten. Max Zenger's Geschichte der Munchner Oper of 1923 documents the groundbreaking effect of this opera when it states that Catharina Cornaro had "quite literally become Munich's hallmark, like the two towers of the Cathedral of Our Lady."

The score’s final scene contains some its most engaging music… Elsewhere the easy melodies flow in a musical language that offers an appealing mixture of early grand opera and Weber and Schubert… Kristiane Kaiser is persuasive in Catharina’s music, and Daniel Kirch deal with the challenges of Marco well – it’s one of those tricky roles, by the sound of it, that sits between lyricism and proto-Heldentenor heroics. (GRAMOPHONE, Awards Issue 2018)

Lachner proves to be an entirely skilful composer, well able to mount a piece of the scale of a French grand opéra in a musical styles that owes a good deal to such figures as Weber and Mendelssohn... Kaiser is effective in the title role, though ideally a touch more weight is needed. Kirch handles the role of Catharina's true love Marco with plenty of heft and some panache... With a first-rate orchestra plus a musicianly radio choir at his disposal, the conductor Ralf Weikert makes a good sales pitch for this forgotten piece. (OPERA, December 2018)

Franz Paul Lachner (1803-1890) - Catharina Cornaro, Königin von Zypern (1841)

In the 4-acts opera 'Catharina Cornaro, Queen of Cyprus' by Franz Lachner with the libretto by Alois Joseph Büssel after a text by Jules Henri Vernoy Marquis de Saint-Georges, political intrigue and great emotions determine the events. Its plot: In the banqueting hall of Andrea Cornaro's Palace the wedding of Catharina with the nobleman Marco Venero is being prepared. Marco Venero narrowly escaped an assassination during the night. But Catharina's uncle Andrea solves the engagement on behalf of the Venetian Senator Onofrio in the name of the Republic of Venice and assigns Marco out of the house. Catharina is said to marry Jacob of Lusignan, the king of Cyprus. When Marco wants to escape with Catharina, Andrea reveals to his niece that Marco will be killed if she does not obey the state order. To protect her lover, she agrees to marry Jacob. Meanwhile, Marco plans to kill Jacob and then be killed by two bandits. When Marco wants to execute his plan in front of the church, he recognizes in Jacob the stranger who saved his life. He drops the dagger and disappears into the crowd. When Jacob learns after the wedding that Catharina was forced to marry him, he asks her in view of his approaching death in pardon. The Royal Palace of Nicosia announces the arrival of a knight from Rhodes. It is Marco who warns Catharina that Jacob's life is threatened. Onofrio steps in, revealing to Catharina that her husband has been poisoned for Venice to take the power over Cyprus. Since Jakob hears to the conversation unnoticed, he swears revenge and moves together with Marco in the fight against Venice. Onofrio is discharged. As the Cypriots celebrate their victory over Venice, the mortally weakened king names Catharina as his successor.

Catharina Cornaro, Andrea Cornaros Nichte – Kristiane Kaiser (Sopran)
Marco Venero, Edler von Venedig – Daniel Kirch (Tenor)
Jakob II. von Lusignan, König von Zypern – Mauro Peter (Tenor)
Andrea Cornaro, Edler von Venedig – Simon Pauly (Bariton)
Onofrio, venezianischer Senator zugleich Mitglied des Rats der Zehn – Christian Tschelebiew 
Ein Page – Priska Eser (Sopran)
Spirido, ein Bandit  Timo Jansen (Bass)
Angelo, ein Bandit – Wolfgang Klose (Bass)
Ein Offizier – Andreas Burkhart (Bass)
Diener – Matthias Ettmayr (Bass)

Chor des Bayerischen Rundfunks 
Münchner Rundfunkorchester 
Dirigent / Conductor – Ralf Weikert

Rec.: München, Prinzregententheater, October 14, 2012 (Live)
Release date: 28.05.2018

Продолжительность – 02:31:58

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Пароль – intoclassics

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Всего комментариев: 2
1. Ismael Avial (acequorthon58)   (19 Июня 20 21:49) [Материал]
can you reupload please? danke

2. marianna catinacova (mariannacatinacova)   (27 Сентября 20 22:38) [Материал]
спасибо :)

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