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«  Июнь 2022  »

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Текущая дата: Воскресенье, 08 Сентября 24, 16:07
Главная страница » 2022 » Июнь » 11 » Зденек Фибих - Мессинская невеста (Зап.: Магдебург, март 2015 г. — Дирижер: Кимбо Ишии — Исполнение на чешском языке)
Зденек Фибих - Мессинская невеста (Зап.: Магдебург, март 2015 г. — Дирижер: Кимбо Ишии — Исполнение на чешском языке)

Теги: Мессинская невеста, Fibich, The Bride of Messina, Фибих, Nevesta messinska, Зденек Фибих, Die Braut von Messina, Kimbo Ishii, Zdenek Fibich

Zdeněk Fibich (1850 – 1900) - ”Nevesta Messinska”
(Die Braut von Messina · The Bride of Messina)

Act 1. Don Manuel and Don Cesar, the sons of Donna Isabella (the ruling Princess of Messina), are feuding with one another. Overwraught with the situation, Isabella summons her sons to her and manages to help make peace between them. 
Act 2. Manuel and Cesar discuss their plans to present their future wives to their mother for her approval. Isabella reveals to her sons that they have an unknown sister, Beatrice. She secured Beatrice away in a convent after her late husband had a dream which foretold that Beatrice would bring about the deaths of her sons. Diego, Isabella's servant, is sent to fetch Beatrice but returns with the disturbing news that she has been kidnapped. 
Act 3. It is revealed that Manuel is in fact Beatrice's kidnapper. He comes to the horrible realization that the girl he loves must be his missing sister. Cesar stumbles upon Manuel and Beatrice and is surprised to find them together, as Beatrice is also the girl that he is in love with. In a jealous rage Cesar kills Manuel before he can explain the truth of the situation. When the full truth is revealed to him, Cesar commits suicide.

Donna Isabella, Fürstin von Messina – Lucia Cervoni, Mezzosopran 
Don Manuel, ihr älterer Sohn – Thomas Florio, Bariton 
Don César, ihr jüngerer Sohn – Richard Samek, Tenor 
Beatrice – Noa Danon, Sopran 
Diégo, ein Diener – Johannes Stermann, Bass
Kajetán, Anführer von Don Manuels Gefolge – Martin-Jan Nijhof, Bariton
Bohemund, Anführer von Don Césars Gefolge – Manfred Wulfert, Tenor 
Page aus Don Césars Gefolge – Hale Soner, Sopran

Opernchor des Theaters Magdeburg
Magdeburgische Philharmonie
Dirigent / Conductor – Kimbo Ishii

Recorded live: Theater Magdeburg, March 11, 12 & 14, 2015
Sung in Czech
Release Date: 30.5.2016

Продолжительность – 01:59:52

Новая ссылка:
FLAC [tracks]
702 Мб
Пароль – intoclassics
Ссылка – https://my-files.su/l51euz

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Всего комментариев: 1
1. Vadim Sokolov (salezian2669)   (12 Июня 22 09:15) [Материал]
Ирония историии: немцам приходится петь по-чешски :D

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