Л.А. Десятников: Буковинские песни. (Исп. А.А. Гориболь)
01 Steppe wind a-blowin'
02 The bridesmaid started crying
03 Ian, where d'you come from - Beyond the Danube
04 Oh, Petrivochka, a night so short
05 The wind is blowing, the sun is warm
06 A rocky mountain
07 Oh, I'll go to the garden
08 Oh, my sweet vast Canada
09 Oh, the clock chimed midnight
10 A swallow has flown in
11 Oh, a cuckoo cuckooed in the house on the corner
12 If only mother had known
13 Green willow, green willow
14 Poplars grew from one field to another
15 I sow six seeds of maize
16 Red arrowwood has blossomed white
17 Oh, whose wedding is this
18 Red arrowwood, green leaves
19 A pike in the sea
20 They say I've lost my looks
21 Oh, dear sheep of mine
22 A lady had a husband, she loved some Peter though
23 Oh, you, wretched singer, what are you looking for?
24 A pipe made of maplewood
"Прелюдии Десятникова вдохновлены Буковиной – уникальной зоной контакта украинской, немецкой, еврейской, польской и румынской культур, и отражают его детские воспоминания об украинской музыке из радиоприёмника на кухне, преломленные через "звуковой фильтр" Бартока, Шопена, Стравинского, Веберна, Сати и Гершвина." (Радио Эшколот)