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Главная страница » 2020»Июнь»13 » Праздничный концерт "500 лет Тюбингенскому договору" | 500 years Tubingen treaty
Праздничный концерт "500 лет Тюбингенскому договору" | 500 years Tubingen treaty
Sankt-Johannes-Kirche, Tübingen, 03.10.2014 FM broadcast SWR2-Kultur, 31.01.2015
Ensemble Officium
Festkonzert "500 Jahre Tübinger Vertrag" Итальянская музыка в Вюртемберге
1. Jakob Meiland: Salve Pieridum cultrix schola clara Tubingae (Посвящение музыка для Тюбингенского университета; Tübingen, arround 1575) 2. Zacharias Schäffer: 2 Epitaphia auf Eberhard im Bart und Mechthild von der Pfalz (Tübingen, 1593) 3. Jachet de Mantua: Enceladi Coeique soror (Motette) 4. Jachet de Mantua: Kyrie 5. Heinrich Isaac: Quis dabit capiti meo aquam? (mourning motet to the death of Lorenzo di Medici, 1492) 6. Andrea Gabrieli: Levavi oculos meos in montes (aus den "Sacrae Cantiones") 7. Andrea Gabrieli: Verba mea auribus percipe (aus den "Sacrae Cantiones") 8. Andrea Gabrieli: O sacrum convivium 9. Leonard Lechner: 2 Epitaphia auf Kaiser Friedrich Barbarossa und dessen Gemahlin Beatrix 10. Applause 11. Josquin Desprez: Missa Hercules Dux Ferrariae (excerpts)
Примечание: когда-то давно я обещал предложить малоизвестную и редко исполняемую музыку, которая заслуживает, чтобы быть представленной широкой аудитории. И вот сейчас я исполняю свое обещание. Музыкальное подношение Мейланда Тюбенгенскому университету, две эпитафии Шаффера в честь герцога Эберхарда Первого из Вюртемберга и его матери Мехтильды фон Пфальц (трек 2) и две Лехнера в честь немецкого короля Фридриха Первого Барбаросса и его жены Беатрис Первой Бургундской (трек 9) были исполнены впервые в наше время. Хорошее качество записи, приятного прослушивания. note: long
time ago I promised to offer also unknown and very rarely performed, but
interesting and good music, that is worth to hear. This is such an
offer. Meiland's tribute music for Tubingen university, Schaeffer's and
Lechner's Epitaphia were first performed in the present. Both persons composed two
Epitaphs. Schaeffer composed two small Epitaphs for Eberhard im Bart
(duke Eberhard I. from Württemberg) and his wife Mechthild von der Pfalz
(track 2). Lechner composed two Epitaphs for the german emperor Barbarossa (Friedrich I.) and his wife Beatrix von Burgund (track 9). Good sound
quality, enjoy.
I did a new upload to a more reliable hoster like Zalivalka.ru. Please feel free to download this offer again. Scroll down 1fichier.com to the bottom and you will see the download button.
Muchas gracias por responder a mi inquietud, y aunque tengo problemas para descargar archivos desde Fichier, lo intentaré desde algún otro computador. Reitero mis agradecimientos.
Thank you very much for answering my concern, and although I have trouble downloading files from Fichier, I'll try from another computer. I reiterate my thanks.
I hope, you will manage your download. Perhaps you have to 'get off' the pop-up-blocker in your browser for this page, before you will download the .rar. When I click the download button, a second site with commercials open and also my download begin to work.
Еs raro, pero a veces sucede con ciertos servicios de descarga que prácticamente quedan inhabilitados por un tiempo impreciso... no sé si se relaciona con el proveedor o alguna otra razón... Fui a dos cibers... y sólo en el segundo pude descargar el archivo, pues la página permitía la transferencia sin insistir en los 15 minutos de espera que se renuevan una y otra vez y hace imposible bajar nada.... como si se realizaran varios intentos de descarga a la vez que no existen. De todos modos, logré bajar el archivo y la última pista se decodificó óptimamente...
Muchas gracias.
Еs rare, but sometimes happens with certain download services are disabled temporarily practically ... I do not know if it relates to the supplier or some other reason ... I went two cibers ... and only in the second could download the file, it allowed the transfer page without insisting on the 15 minute wait to be renewed again and again and makes it impossible to download anything .... like several attempts to download while not exist were made. Anyway, I managed to download the file and the last track is decoded optimally ...
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