Mauregato, re di Léon [König von Leon] / Маурегато, король Леона
Mario Borriello
Estrella, sua figlia [seine Tochter] / Эстрелла [правильнее Эстрелья],
его дочь
Suzanne Danco
Adolfo, generale diMauregato [Feldherr von
Mauregato] / Адольфо, полководец Маурегато
Plinio Clabassi
Froila, legittimo re di Léon, spodestato da Mauregato [vertriebener
König von Leon] / Фроила, законный корольЛеона, лишенный власти Маурегато
Rolando Panerai
Alfonso, suo figlio [sein Sohn] / Альфонсо, его сын
Luigi Alva
Una fanciulla [ein Mädchen] / Девушка
Sandra Chissari
Un ragazzo [ein Jüngling] / Юноша
Alfredo Nobile
Coro e Orchestra della RAI di
Direttore d'orchestra: Nino
Запись: 26.X.1956, RAI di
Длительность: 155 мин. 11 сек.
Действие происходит в
средневековой Испании.
Фроила, законный король Леона,
лишенный власти узурпатором Маурегато, живет со своим сыном Альфонсо в горах. Во
время королевской охоты Альфонсо встречается с Эстрельей, дочерью Маурегато. Между
молодыми людьми вспыхивает любовь с первого взгляда. Однако девушка давно
обещана в жены Адольфо, полководцу Маурегато. Отвергнутый Эстрельей Адольфо
плетет заговор против Маурегато. Альфонсо удается спасти жизнь отцу Эстрельи, который
благословляет брак влюбленных и объявляет юношу престолонаследником.
Act One 02. No. 1 Introduction: Night still covers us in silence (Chorus, Contralto, Tenor) 03. No. 2 Aria: Greetings, o Sun (Froila) 04. No. 3 Chorus and Ensemble: Assamble, brothers (Chorus, Maiden, Youth, Froila) 05. Recitative: In all games (Youth, Froila) 06. No. 4 Duet: Though decorated with lustre and triumph (Froila, Alfonso) 07. No. 5 Recitative: It is your strict command (Alfonso, Froila) 08. Aria: When the dawn breaks (Alfonso) 09. No. 6 Recitative: You disturbs me greatly, my dear son (Froila, Alfonso) 10. Duet: My scout already prowl (Froila, Alfonso) 11. No. 7 Chorus: To the hunt! To the hunt! (Chorus of women) 12. Aria with Chorus: The empty pomp of gold (Estrella, Chorus of Women) 13. No. 8 Recitative: Stay, o Princess (Adolfo, Estrella) 14. Aria: But in the heat of battle (Adolfo) 15. No. 9 Duet: Ah, hear my plea (Adolfo, Estrella) 16. No. 10 Finale: A shining weapon gladdens the soldier (Chorus, Adolfo, Mauregato, Estrella)
Act Two 17. No. 11 Recitative: Oh, sing to me, father, once again (Alfonso, Froila) 18. Aria: The hunter rested, motionless (Froila) 19. No. 12 Recitative: How your magnificent singing stirs me (Alfonso, Froila) 20. Duet: Surrounded by crag and wood (Estrella, Alfonso)
Act Two (cont.) 01. No. 13 Recitative: Who are you, lovely creature (Alfonso, Estrella) 02. Aria: When I see you, lovely one (Alfonso) 03. No. 14 Duet: You seem like a friend (Estrella, Alfonso) 04. No. 15 Aria: If I could only remain here (Estrella) 05. No. 16 Duet: Let me give you as a keepsake (Alfonso, Estrella) 06. No. 17 Chorus and Ensemble: Quietly, friends, take care (Conspirators, Adolfo) 07. No. 18 Chorus and Aria: Where is she, what have you come to tell me? (Mauregato, Chorus) 08. No. 19 Ensemble: The princess has appeared! (Chorus, Mauregato, Estrella) 09. No. 20 Duet and Chorus: Will you embrace your child? (Estrella, Mauregato, Chorus) 10. No. 21 Aria: Magnificent on the mountain top (Estrella) 11. No. 22 Finale: Tell me, what has become of him (Mauregato, Estrella, Chief bodyguard, Chorus)
Act Three 12. No. 23 Introduction: Allegro 13. No. 24 Duet and Chorus: Do you hear the shouting, the noise? (Maiden, Youth, Chorus of Women) 14. No. 25 Duet: You will not escape me! (Adolfo, Estrella) 15. No. 26 Trio and Chorus: Help!... That voice! (Estrella, Alfonso, Adolfo, Chorus of Hunters) 16. No. 27 Duet: But now let your joy (Alfonso, Estrella) 17. No. 28 Recitative: Yes, I am saved (Estrella, Alfonso) 18. Duet: Beautiful and magnificent I see it dawning (Alfonso, Estrella) 19. No. 29 Duet with Chorus: Woe, I see my father (Estrella, Alfonso, Chorus of Warriors) 20. No. 30 Ensemble: They have heard the calls (Chorus of Warriors and Hunters, Alfonso) 21. No. 31 Recitative and Ensemble: What is happening here? (Froila, Alfonso, Estrella, Chorus of Warriors and Hunters) 22. No. 32 Aria: Where can I find a place (Mauregato) 23. No. 33 Duet: No ghost, I am alive (Froila, Mauregato) 24. No. 34 Trio anf Finale: Receive now from my hand (Froila, Mauregato, Estrella) 25. Recitative: What sounds are those that I hear? (Mauregato, Froila, Estrella, Alfonso, Adolfo, Maiden, Youth, Chorus)
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