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«  Июль 2018  »

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Текущая дата: Суббота, 18 Января 25, 13:56
Главная страница » 2018 » Июль » 22 » Морис Равель - Дафнис и Хлоя, балет (Бостонский СО, Шарль Мюнш)
Морис Равель - Дафнис и Хлоя, балет (Бостонский СО, Шарль Мюнш)

Теги: Мюнш, Ravel, Равель, munch

Maurice Ravel (1875-1937)

Daphnis et Chloé, ballet (1912)

Scene  1

01. Invocation to the nymphs
02. Entrance of Daphnis and Chloe
03. Dance of the young girls around Daphnis
04. Dorcon's advance to Chloe
05. Daphnis reasserts his love for Chloe. The Dorcon-Daphnis dance contest for a kiss from Chloe
06. Dorcon's grotesque dance
07. The gracious dance of Daphnis
08. The triumph of Daphnis and the ecstatic union with Chloe
09. Entrance of the temptress Lyceion and dance of veils
10. The invasion of the pirates and Daphnis's unsuccessful efforts to save Chloe
11. Invocation to Pan by the nymphs and the prayer of Daphnis

Scene 2

12. Interlude
13. The orgiastic dance of the pirates
14. Bryaxis orders Chloe to be brought forward and to dance
15. Chloe's dance of supplication
16. Creatures of Pan appear and frighten the pirates, who flee in terror, leaving Chloe alone with a shining crown

Scene 3

17. Sunrise. Daphnis prostrate at the grotto of the nymphs
18. Daphnis and Chloe are reunited
19. Lammon tells how Pan saved Chloe in memory of his love for the nymph Syrinx. Daphnis and Chloe act out the story
20. Pan (Daphnis) fashions a flute from some reeds, on which he declares his love for Syrinx (Chloe)
21. Abandoning their roles, the lovers embrace and kneel at the altar of the nymphs
22. Girls dressed as bacchantes enter with tambourines
23. Young men invade the scene, and joyous tumult prevails in tribute to the triumph of the lovers

Boston Symphony Orchestra
Charles Munch

Recorded January 23 & 24, 1955
Symphony Hall, Boston


flac, cue, cover - 276 Мб
пароль: intoclassics.net

Источник: Рутрекер
Категория: аудио | Просмотров: 2293 | Добавил(а): little_listener
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Всего комментариев: 2
1. valeria (valeria)   (23 Июля 18 15:09) [Материал]
Спасибо! :D heart hands flowers

2. Taras V. (little_listener)   (23 Июля 18 17:27) [Материал]

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