Georg Philipp Telemann (1681-1767)
Six Morale Cantatas (1735)
for Soprano (or Tenor), Violin or Flute and Continuo
In the 1730s Telemann published three collections with 'moral cantatas'. Although only the second and third volumes from 1735 and 1736 respectively were explicitly called 'moral cantatas', the first six, which appeared in 1731, also belong to this category. They were referred to as 'galant' cantatas, and that is mainly because of the subject of love which all such cantatas were about. But their tenor is clearly of a moral nature. In the beginning of the cantata a situation is depicted, usually connected to the protagonist of the cantata. Next it is described how that situation is solved, usually through reason, and the concluding aria expresses the moral lesson.
¶ Moral Cantatas (6), set 2, TWV 20 no 29-34
1. Die Zufriedenheit. Fraget nicht, vergnügte Freunde, TWV 20:29
2. Tonkunst. So fort, ihe angestimmten Töne, TWV 20:30
3. Das mässige Glück. Der Glanz, wonach der Ehrgeiz zielet, TWV 20:31
4. Die Liebe. Du bist ein tolles Ungeheuer, TWV 20:32
5. Die Landlust. In euch, ihr grünen Auen, TWV 20:33
6. Die Freundschaft. Freunde, Freunde, lasst uns besser lieben, TWV 20:34
¶ Flute Sonata in A Minor, TWV 41:a5
Julianne Baird, soprano
Eve Miller, baroque cello
Leon Schelhase, harpsichord
Steven Zohn, baroque flute
Recorded on 26-28, July 2010 at The Presbyterian Church of Chestnut Hill,
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
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