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«  Октябрь 2017  »

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Текущая дата: Суббота, 18 Января 25, 11:47
Главная страница » 2017 » Октябрь » 25 » Пьетро МАСКАНЬИ (1863 - 1945) – опера «Паризина» (1913) – солисты, хор и СО Итальянского радио, Милан, дир. Пьерлуиджи УРБИНИ (1976)
Пьетро МАСКАНЬИ (1863 - 1945) – опера «Паризина» (1913) – солисты, хор и СО Итальянского радио, Милан, дир. Пьерлуиджи УРБИНИ (1976)

Теги: Урбини, Масканьи, опера

mp3-192 | front cover | LP rip | 3 CD’s | 262 MB

Mascagni Parisina (1913 opera) - Renzi, Molese, Parutto, di Bella et al; RAI Coro & Orchestra, Milano;  Pierluigi Urbini, direttore (Recorded in 1976)

Пьетро МАСКАНЬИ (1863 - 1945)

лирическая трагедия в 4 актах

Либретто – Габриэле д’Аннунцио по поэме Байрона «Паризина» (1816)

Pietro MASCAGNI (1863 - 1945)

tragedia lirica in 4 acts

Libretto - Gabriele d'Annunzio after Lord Byron's poem "Parisina" (1816)

Nicolò d'Este: Benito di Bella
Ugo d'Este: Michele Molese
Parisina: Emma Renzi
Stella dell'Assassino: Mirella Parutto
Aldobrando Rangone: Ferruccio Mazzoli
La Verde: Mirna Pecile
La Fante: Mirella Fiorentini

1ª Doncella: Maria dalla Spezia
2ª Doncella: Mirella Fiorentini
3ª Doncella: Angela Rocco
1º Compagno: Teodoro Rovetta
2º Compagno: Giancarlo Vaudegno
3º Compagno: Ivan del Manto
4º Compagno: Guido Pasella
5º Compagno: Teodoro Rovetta

Symphonic orchestra of the RAI, Milano
Choir of the RAI, Milano

Chorus Master: Mino Bordignon
Conductor: Pierluigi Urbini

Продолжительность:  3 часа 13 мин. 14 сек.
Recorded October 9, 1976 at RAI (Radiotelevisione italiana) studio, Milan

(three-act version)

Act 1
In the villa of Marquis Nicolo d’Este.

The Marquis' son, Ugo, is interrupted by his mother Stella dell’Assassino in the middle of an archery session. Stella, who has recently been replaced by Parisina Malatesta as the matriarch in the family home, is out for vengeance. Assuming that her son is in the same mindset she urges him to do her dirty work.

Act 2
In the Loreto sanctuary.

Devotional songs are heard from the sanctuary and from sailors on the Adriatic. Parisina prepares to offer the Virgin her most elegant piece of clothing. A friend of Ugo d’Este (Aldobrandino) appears to declare that Ugo is close to a victory over the Esclavons. On his return, his stepmother leads him to the sanctuary to kneel together. Ugo gives his sword as an offering to the Virgin. Ugo, bloody and exhausted from battle, stains Parisina’s tunic during an embrace. Overjoyed from his victory, he is carried away by his emotions and they kiss amidst the songs of devotion heard before his arrival.

Act 3
In the Belfiore palace.

Parisina becomes mad with worry after confusing the book she is reading with reality. In the book Francesca da Rimini is found by her husband with another man. Ugo enters and the couple greet each other. Suddenly Parisina’s maid LaVerde bursts in to announce the return of Nicolo d’Este from his hunting trip. The Marquis discovers his own son in bed with his mistress and condemns them both to be beheaded.

Категория: аудио | Просмотров: 1964 | Добавил(а): komponist
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Всего комментариев: 2
1. margi (Marguerite)   (26 Октября 17 12:01) [Материал]
Похоже эта запись впервые в рунете..
милле грацие!

2. (komponist)   (26 Октября 17 22:57) [Материал]
Prego, cara Marguerite! :)

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