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«  Сентябрь 2017  »

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Текущая дата: Суббота, 18 Января 25, 11:45
Главная страница » 2017 » Сентябрь » 23 » Эрнест БЛОХ (1880 – 1959) – опера «Макбет» (1909) – солисты, Филармонический оркестр Монпелье, дир. Фридеман ЛАЙЕР (1997 live)
Эрнест БЛОХ (1880 – 1959) – опера «Макбет» (1909) – солисты, Филармонический оркестр Монпелье, дир. Фридеман ЛАЙЕР (1997 live)

Теги: Лайер, Блох Э., опера

mp3-192 | booklet | 2 CD’s| 208 MB

BlochMacbeth (1909 opera) (Friedemann Layer, 1997 live)

Эрнест БЛОХ (1880 – 1959)

опера в 3 актах с Прологом

Ernest Bloch

opera in Prologue and 3 Acts

Libretto by Edmond Fleg, after the eponymous play of William Shakespeare

Jean-Philippe Lafont - Macbeth
Markella Hatziano - Lady Macbeth
Jean-Philippe Marliere - Macduff
Jacque Trussel - Banquo
Christer Bladin - Duncan
Philippe Georges - Lennox
Marcel Vanaud - Le Portier
Feijs Millers - Malcolm
Andris Gailis - Le meurtrier

Choeur de la Radio Lettone
Orchestre Philharmonique de Montpellier Languedoc-Roussillon
Friedemann Layer, cond.

Recorded live in Montpellier, 1997

Bloch wrote his only opera, Macbeth, early on in his career. His conception of the music was to express the inner ferments of the characters, more important to him than the actual external drama. With little encouragement from his countrymen, with no financial subsidy, he was stirred by an immense inner force. He exulted, he despaired, he slashed, he rewrote.

Bloch invests the story with music of tremendous power… We get not Shakespeare's blood feud, but the sinner tempted and betrayed to hell. Thus, much depends on the two principal singers. Lafont as Macbeth and Hatziano as his lady are wonderful vocal actors, with a wide range of expression and great subtlety. These performances practically define nuance without sacrificing power. The orchestra, led by Friedemann Layer, gets through Bloch's complex score with narrative zest. It's a live performance, however, and not as polished as a studio recording would be. Nevertheless, Layer shows the stature of the opera. It's not merely worth the occasional revival; it should be part of the active repertory of every major opera house.

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Всего комментариев: 5
1. Smoulakovsky (eduards990)   (24 Сентября 17 10:50) [Материал]
komponist, хотелось бы знать Ваше мнение об этой опере. Спасибо

3. (komponist)   (26 Сентября 17 15:59) [Материал]
Если я её здесь разместил, значит нравится! Мощная и оригинальная вещь, IMHO!

2. Peter Hopsky (Hopsky)   (24 Сентября 17 16:33) [Материал]
Vielen Dank!

4. (komponist)   (26 Сентября 17 15:59) [Материал]
My pleasure, Peter! :)

5. Пётр Аркадьев (peterarkadiev)   (17 Марта 18 12:17) [Материал]
Восстановите, пожалуйста!

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