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Главная страница » 2017 » Июль » 25 » Praga Magna: Music on the court of emperor HRE Rudolf II. (1552 - 1612)
Praga Magna: Music on the court of emperor HRE Rudolf II. (1552 - 1612)

Теги: Tage Alter Musik Regensburg, Cappella Mariana

 Tage Alter Musik Regensburg 2017
Schottenkirche St. Jakob Regensburg, 04.06.2017
FM broadcast BR-Klassik, 24.07.2017

Cappella Mariana
Leitung: Vojtech Semerád

Musik in Prag während der Regentschaft von Kaiser Rudolf II.

1. Alessandro Orologio: Intrada V
2. Orlando di Lasso: Confitebor tibi Domine
3. Philippe de Monte: Missa super 'Confitebor tibi Domine', I. Kyrie
4. Philippe de Monte: Missa super 'Confitebor tibi Domine', II. Gloria
5. Philippe de Monte: Langue al vostro languir (Madrigal, 1586)

6. Liberale Zanchi: Canzona II
7. Philippe de Monte: Missa super 'Confitebor tibi Domine', III. Credo
8. Carolus Luython: Fuga Suavissima
9. Philippe de Monte: Missa super 'Confitebor tibi Domine', IV. Sanctus
10. Philippe de Monte: Già fu chi m'hebbe cara
11. Philippe de Monte: Missa super 'Confitebor tibi Domine', V. Agnus Dei

12. Salomone Rossi: Sonata in dialogo detta 'La Viena'
13. Jacobus Regnart: Litaniae Deiparae Mariae Virginis
14. Applause

63 min. | flac (tracks, level 8) | 332 MB
Категория: аудио | Просмотров: 1868 | Добавил(а): Hugin33
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Всего комментариев: 7
1. Сильвио (komponist)   (26 Июля 17 16:56) [Материал]
It's a pity that such an interesting programme was ruined
by the inauspicious acoustics - excessive reverberation
muffles clarity of the polyphonic texture... Thanks anyway!

3. (Hugin33)   (26 Июля 17 19:19) [Материал]
Dear Silvio, I don't think, this is a bad record by the sound engineers of BR-Klassik. On the contrary, it is a good record with 4 (+2) microphones around near the musicians, that guaranties, there aren't huge bad echoes.

I got a good impression from this mass a8 and the whole concert. I didn't heard this concert with headphones or burnt it on CD. But in this case I can't agree with you. :o

4. (komponist)   (26 Июля 17 19:57) [Материал]
Lieber Frank, I was talking about the acoustics
of Schottenkirche St. Jakob, not the quality of recording. To my taste, there is not enough crispiness and transparency - but this is only my humble opinion, not a "final judgment"... :)

5. (Hugin33)   (27 Июля 17 15:12) [Материал]
Dear Silvio, I have no problems with your different opinion. May be, another - a smaller church in Regensburg - would be a better location to perform this mass. But if you hear the madrigal "Langue al vostro languir" (track 5) the voices are clean and lucid, also in track 6 "Sanctus-Benedictus". I guess, it is fare more the mass itself with some non-transparency. The incomprehensibility of the voices in the polyphonic texture was strongly criticized by the Vatican, who even wanted to forbid them. beer

6. (komponist)   (27 Июля 17 19:27) [Материал]
Yeah, the Church would never accept Beethoven's maxim that “Music is a higher revelation than all wisdom and philosophy. Music is the electrical soil in which the spirit lives, thinks and invents” and “music is the one incorporeal entrance into the higher world of knowledge which comprehends mankind but which mankind cannot comprehend”... booze

2. Родион Лирник (Лирник)   (26 Июля 17 17:33) [Материал]
appl bravo appl

7. Сергей Федорович (sergfv)   (27 Июля 17 21:37) [Материал]

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