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Родион Щедрин - Кармен-сюита & Концерты для оркестра №№ 1 & 2 (Российский национальный оркестр, дир. Михаил Плетнев) [аудио]
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«  Август 2016  »

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Текущая дата: Воскресенье, 19 Января 25, 10:34
Главная страница » 2016 » Август » 11 » Alfonso el Sabio (Альфонсо Мудрый (эль Сабио)), Martim Codax (Мартин Кодас (Кодакс)), Galician cantigas etc. - Alia musica (1979)
Alfonso el Sabio (Альфонсо Мудрый (эль Сабио)), Martim Codax (Мартин Кодас (Кодакс)), Galician cantigas etc. - Alia musica (1979)
...The songs are among the few ones of their era whose music survived in some form of "sheet notation", even if very approximative (no duration, no rhythm, just the main melodic line). Alia musica's mission was to "reinvent" the music in a philological way, instead of playing it with the usual "Christian" approach. The instruments used don't seem to belong properly to the Spanish-medioeval repertoire, but they should probably be some sort of "modern counterparts" of analogous ancient instruments.

The lp came along with a detailed booklet. (font: ibid)


Cantiga 1: Des oge mais quer' eu trobar (Alfonso le Sabio)
Cantiga 245: O que en coita de morte mui grand' ou en prijon for (Alfonso le Sabio)
Cantiga 137: Sempr' acha Santa Maria razon verdadeira (Alfonso le Sabio)
Cantiga 6: Quantas sabedes amar (Martim Codax)
Conductus: Cedit frigus (anonymous manuscrit from the Monastery of Ripoli)
Cantiga 20: Virga de Jesse (Alfonso le Sabio)
Cantiga 424: Pois que dos Reys Nostro Sennor (Alfonso le Sabio)
Cantiga 4: Ay Deus (Martim Codax)
Cantiga 77: Da que Deus mamou o leite do seu peito (Alfonso le Sabio)
Cantiga 35: O que a Santa Maria der algo ou prometer (Alfonso le Sabio)
Cantiga 100: Santa Maria, Strela do Dia (Alfonso le Sabio)''


Brigitte Lesne: voice, tambourine
Gérard Lesne: voice, chains
Piergiorgio Lazzaretto: voice, bendir
Riccardo Grazioli: hurdy-gurdy, vielle, cittern
Silvio Malgarini: symphonia, hurdy-gurdy, saz, cittern, voice
Robert Batto: 'ud
Francis Biggi: 'ud, bell, cymbals
Alexandre Regis: zarb, nakers, bendir
Febo Guizzi: tambourine, cymbals, chains, rattles, voice
Giuliano Prada: bagpipe, recorders, horn, handbell, voice
Mauro Palmas: launeddas
Mauro Pagani: rebec, vielle
Fabio Soragna: santur, pandeiro, darbukka, voice''

Note: The album was recorded live in open air, at Carimate Castle, Como.
(quotated introduction from http://ilgolpeeluva.blogspot.it/)

Sorry I can't speak Russian. This is my 1st post :-)

This is a rare old recording from Italy.

Bring to you to say Thank You / Спасибо / Grazie / Merci for your sharings here.

The audio is 224 kbps mp3.
If you prefer better sound please let me know, I probably will find time this summer to do LP rips.

The scan is done by me, sorry the scanner is too small to take the entire lp cover photos, but the booklet is well scanned. The booklet infomation is in Italian, with original Spanish / Galician texts and Italian translation.

Rare material for who is interested.[/color]


I didn't set password.

Have a nice week ! хорошая неделя !

Добавлена ссылка на wav:

Side A.wav (403mb)

Side B.wav (369mb)

cue files.rar (700 b)
Категория: аудио | Просмотров: 3195 | Добавил(а): sinechou
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Всего комментариев: 10
1. Сергей Федорович (sergfv)   (05 Апреля 16 12:16) [Материал]
Grazie mille!

2. Boris Andonovski (curumo)   (05 Апреля 16 23:01) [Материал]
Thank you for this rarity. Of course, if it is possible for you to achieve it, better quality of sound is highly appreciated. :)

3. Alexei raccoon (raccoon)   (05 Апреля 16 23:04) [Материал]
Thank You very much for interesting record.
What about higher quality audio? For example APE or FLAC...

4. sine chou (sinechou)   (05 Апреля 16 23:24) [Материал]
Thank you for the comments! I have some technical problem with LPs, I will try to get a new LP player with usb then rip better quality FLAC, maybe in this summer. We have to wait for a while. :)

5. Taras V. (little_listener)   (04 Мая 16 14:34) [Материал]
Thank you very much!

6. sine chou (sinechou)   (11 Августа 16 12:15) [Материал]
Hello there, I just uploaded wav files, 2 parts, 772 mb total, with cue, if anyone is still interested, you can edit and convert to any format you like with your fav. softwares. :)
ps. I have problem with my narod yandex service, so I uploaded to google drive.

Side A.wav (403mb)

Side B.wav (369mb)

cue files.rar (700 b)

have a nice summer booze

7. (Okalyn)   (12 Августа 16 16:13) [Материал]
Merci beaucoup.
Grazie mile :)

8. Boris Andonovski (curumo)   (12 Августа 16 17:40) [Материал]
Thank you, again! :)

9. Пётр Аркадьев (peterarkadiev)   (23 Августа 16 01:18) [Материал]
Thanks a lot.

10. Deodac de Severac de Severac (deodac)   (31 Мая 17 10:44) [Материал]
appl spasivo x wav !

could you detail the RIG you used to RIP this in lossless,
and what software, if ever, you employed afterwards?

perhaps in a tiny TXT file?

again, obliged.
Hope it'd be the first of many, hopefully.
I love early music. Specially Old LPs.

Great post !

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