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«  Июль 2016  »

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Текущая дата: Суббота, 18 Января 25, 10:42
Главная страница » 2016 » Июль » 19 » АВАНГАРД-9 – ГРИЗЕ - Les Chants de l'Amour, ХАРВИ – Струнный квартет № 4, СААРИАХО - Oltra mar – Различные исполнители (1985 – 2004 гг.)
АВАНГАРД-9 – ГРИЗЕ - Les Chants de l'Amour, ХАРВИ – Струнный квартет № 4, СААРИАХО - Oltra mar – Различные исполнители (1985 – 2004 гг.)

Теги: Гризе, Саариахо, Харви, авангард

ogg-182 & mp3 vbr 201 | 122 MB

Avant-garde-9 (self-made compilation) – GRISEY, HARVEY, SAARIAHO
(VA, recordings of 1985 – 2004)

(Сборник авангардной музыки)

1.  Gérard Grisey - Les Chants de l'Amour for 12 Singers & Tape (1982-84)
Schola Cantorum de Stuttgart,  Clytus Gottwald (chef de choeur)

Recorded June 3, 1985 (Centre Pompidou - Grande Salle)

2. Jonathan Harvey - String Quartet No 4 (with live electronics) (2003)
Arditti Quartet/technicians from IRCAM

Recorded March 11, 2003 (Brussels)

This work is for string quartet with elaborate real-time electronics. The sounds of the players are diffused in space with thematic rhythms so that the flying spatialisation is integral to the structure, part of the transformation process. Using IRCAM's SPAT programme (with the help of Gilbert Nouno) it is possible to locate the sounds at any distance, at any point. This point can then be moved, like a living presence; the sound acquires an attribute closer to life, but unseen. When this movement is regular, like the repetitions of dance steps, for instance, the 'presence' begins to take on a character, a personality (though still invisible). Such music becomes a metaphor of subtle modes of being, from 'astral travel', to dreaming, to Gaston Bachelard's 'vertical imagination', to Nietzsche’s flying fantasies in Zarathustra, to Buddhist visualisation practices in higher meditation (etc.!). The quartet is the dreamer, the spatialisation the dream... All sorts of psychic metamorphoses are undergone by the string sound; it seems to enter into spaces like the centre of the earth - deep bass transposition - or open empty spaces. Such is the imagined relation of player to the electronic treatment. Formally the quartet is divided into 'cycles'; it is as if several lives are depicted, each dying and being reborn with traces of the previous ones. Repetition, transformation; architecture and narrative; construction, dissolution: these are the characteristics of both autonomous music and what it refers to outside itself. 
Jonathan Harvey

3. Kaija Saariaho - Oltra mar (1999)
BBC SO, BBC Symph. Chorus, Jukka-Pekka Saraste, cond.

Recorded in 2004 (BBC Proms, London)


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1. Жарков (bekar09)   (21 Июля 16 20:20) [Материал]
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2. Сильвио (komponist)   (23 Июля 16 12:13) [Материал]

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