Hector Berlioz "Béatrice et Bénédict” to be BYU Spring Opera, June 8, 2011. Benedict - Jubal Joslyn, Beatrice -Annalise Belnap.
Bayerische Festouvertüre. Schacht, Walter, Monder, Alf - Gebirgsmusikkorps 8 der Gebirgsdivision in Garmisch-Partenkirchen 7:13 Béatrice et Bénédict: Overture. Berlioz, Hector - The United States Air Force Band 8:40 Bel-Air (Concert overture). Richards, Goff - Buy As You View Cory Band 10:48 Ben Hur (Overture). Rózsa, Miklós - Marc Reift, Williams Fairey Band 4:13 Berkshire overture. Funnell, Jeffrey P. - Norsk Noteservice Wind Orchestra 7:54 Berliner Ouvertüre (Heutere Ouvertüre über einen Alt-Berliner Gassenhauer). Arndt, Rudi (arr. Gatzka, Helmut) - Zentrales Orchester der Nationalen Volksarmee 4:30 Black Forest overture. Sweeney, Michael - Michael Sweeney, Midwest Winds 3:22 Blessed promising future (Festal overture). Nakahashi, Yoshio - Osaka College of Music Wind Orchestra 11:47 Blue Lake overture. Chance, John Barnes - Illinois State University Wind Symphony 5:35 Blue overture. Hagedorn, Steve - Moravian Wind Band 4:43 Bob herceg (Ouverture to the operetta). Huszka, Jenö - Wind Band Mátyásföld 4:50 Boccaccio: Overture. Suppé, Franz von (arr. for wind ensemble) - "The President's Own" United States Marine Band 8:07 Boston Mountain overture. Booker, Jr., Charles L. - United States Military Academy Band 6:15 Bravura! (Overture for mid-level bands). Neeck, Larry - The Washington Winds 4:53 Bridges over the river Cam (A Cambridge overture), op. 116. Bourgeois, Derek - The Minden Band of the Queen's Division 9:18
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