Калеви Ахо - Концерт для камерного оркестра - Джон Сторгардс | 01:15 |
Kalevi Aho (b.1949)
Concert for Chamber Orchestra (2006-07)
Kysymysten kirja (The Book of Questions) (24:27) "Книга вопросов" Сюита на слова Пабло Неруды (финский перевод Кати Каллио) для меццо-сопрано и камерного оркестра 01. I. If I Just Had 02. II. The Rose Apparel 03. III. A Mermaid's tears 04. IV. Where does the rainbow end 05. V. The Woman in the Dream 06. VI. What Meaning 07. VII. When my childhood died 08. VIII. The Tunnel 09. IX. When I See the Sea 10. X. The Flowering Apple Tree 11. XI. Butterflies
Monica Groop - mezzo-soprano
Concerto for viola and chamber orchestra (24:13) 12. I. = 58 13. II. Presto 14. III. = 76 15. IV. Cadenza 16. V. Allegretto
Anna Kreetta Gribajcevic - viola
Symphony No.14 'Rituaaleja' ('Rituals') (30:06) "Ритуалы" для камерного оркестра, дарабука, джембе и гонга 17. I. Incantation I (Zeal) 18. II. Interlude I 19. III. Incantation II (Yearning and Fury) 20. IV. Procession 21. V. Interlude II 22. VI. Incantation III (Mantra of the Ending)
Herman Rechberger - darabuka and djembe
Chamber Orchestra of Lapland John Storgards - conductor
TT 79:33
recorded 2007
flac + cue 347 mb | mp3 (320) 217 mb | scans
Категория: аудио |
Просмотров: 1725 |
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