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«  Октябрь 2014  »

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Главная страница » 2014 » Октябрь » 14 » Monteverdi (Монтеверди) - The Sacred Music [King's Consort] Vol.1
Monteverdi (Монтеверди) - The Sacred Music [King's Consort] Vol.1

Sacred Music by Claudio Monteverdi
Performer:  Charles Daniels (Tenor), James Gilchrist (Tenor), Carolyn Sampson (Soprano), Rogers Covey-Crump (Countertenor), Nicholas Mulroy (Countertenor), Robert Evans (Bass),
Peter Harvey (Bass), Rebecca Outram (Soprano)

Conductor:  Robert King
Orchestra/Ensemble:  King's Consort
Period: Baroque
Date of Recording: 02/2003
Venue:  St. Jude on the Hill, Hampstead, England

Length: 1 Hours 16 Mins.
Format: FLAC

Considering his influence and output it's incredible that, with the exception of the 1610 Vespers (of which there are nearly two dozen recordings in the current catalog!), Monteverdi's sacred music is so rarely given substantial attention, particularly in the form of dedicated programs. This new project from Robert King and Hyperion, however, promises nothing if not "substantial attention", while, on evidence of this Volume 1, also delivering first-rate performances and splendidly vibrant sound--intimate, detailed, bathed in a rich array of instrumental and vocal color, the tuttis full-bodied and strong, the solos and small ensembles stylishly expressive and carefully balanced. The music comes from the collection Selva morale e spirituale issued by the composer in 1640/41, and according to John Whenham's excellent notes it consists of "the main items that would have been performed in polyphony...for First Vespers of Christmas", in settings for four to eight voices. The program concludes with the collection's lovely four-part Mass, one of the three intact examples of Monteverdi's work in the genre.

Success in this music depends largely on the soloists, and in this case King has assembled an ideal group, some of the world's finest early-music choral and solo singers: sopranos Carolyn Sampson and Rebecca Outram, high tenors Rogers Covey-Crump, Nicholas Mulroy, and Daniel Auchincloss, tenors Charles Daniels and James Gilchrist, and basses Peter Harvey and Robert Evans. Their expertise is evident right from the beginning eight-voice Dixit Dominus, where they all get a chance to shine in numerous interludes between choral sections. This pattern of alternating solos (or duets) with chorus continues in subsequent pieces--two tenors and a bass take center stage in the Confitebor Primo; two sopranos, high tenor, two tenors, and two basses trade lines in the Beatus vir, etc.--with continuo instruments accompanying the solos and larger groups of instruments joining the tutti sections. The solos are invariably characterful, nicely and tastefully ornamented, and seem committed to illustrating the texts. Especially impressive is how well "chorographed" are the interactions among soloists and between solo singers, choir, and instruments.

Needless to say, the choir and instrumental ensemble are outstanding, performing not only with required precision and energy but with attention to balances and subtlties of phrasing we don't often get in such multilayered productions. Highlights include the wonderfully lilting march of the Beatus vir, the Christe redemptor omnium, with its lovely interweaving melodic writing for two tenors and bass, accompanied by violins, chitarrone, and organ, and the Mass, one of the finest examples of Monteverdi's mature style. Much credit also must go to conductor King for his assured leadership in music that can come off rather routine if matters of style--especially tempo and "dramatic" aspects of text expression and articulation--are not properly understood and managed. Here he proves exactly the right person for the job--and with these excellent singers and players at his command, we can look forward to some mighty good Monteverdi. [3/6/2004]
--David Vernier, ClassicsToday.com

Works on This Recording:

1. Selva morale e spirituale: Dixit Dominus I
Written: by 1640; Italy
Length: 9 Minutes 48 Secs.
Language: Latin

2. Selva morale e spirituale: Magnificat a 8 in G minor
Written: by 1640; Italy
Length: 13 Minutes 43 Secs.
Language: Latin

3. Missa de capella a 6 "In illo tempore"
Written: by 1610; Mantua, Italy
Length: 19 Minutes 3 Secs.
Language: Latin

4. Selva morale e spirituale: Confitebor tibi Domine a 3
Written: by 1640; Italy
Length: 8 Minutes 36 Secs.
Language: Latin

5. Selva morale e spirituale: Beatus vir a 6
Written: by 1640; Italy
Length: 7 Minutes 42 Secs.
Language: Latin

6. Selva morale e spirituale: Laudate pueri a 5 I "concertato"
Written: by 1640; Italy
Length: 7 Minutes 6 Secs.
Language: Latin

7. Selva morale e spirituale: Deus tuorum militum a 3
Written: by 1640; Italy
Length: 4 Minutes 5 Secs.
Language: Latin

8. Selva morale e spirituale: Laudate Dominum a 5 "concertato"
Written: by 1640; Italy
Length: 4 Minutes 37 Secs.
Language: Italian

ссылка: Фляк+причиндалы (333 MB)


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1. Taras V. (little_listener)   (14 Октября 14 12:56) [Материал]
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