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«  Октябрь 2014  »

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Главная страница » 2014 » Октябрь » 12 » Paganini (Паганини) - 24 Caprices [Ehnes (Энес)] (FLAC)
Paganini (Паганини) - 24 Caprices [Ehnes (Энес)] (FLAC)

Caprices (24) for Violin solo, Op. 1 by Niccolò Paganini
Performer:  James Ehnes (Violin - ex-Marsick Stradivarius of 1715)
Period: Romantic
Written: circa 1805; Italy
Release Date: 01/12/2010
Length: 78.04 Mins.
Format: FLAC

This eminently popular and extremely challenging set of works for virtuoso solo violin naturally has attracted the interest of every major artist worthy of the name, resulting in a significant recorded legacy that's as much a tribute to the artists--Accardo, Perlman, Rabin, Ricci, Midori, etc.--as to Paganini's genius. However, if you're in the market for a first-rank--indeed superlative--recording of Paganini's masterpiece, look no further than this release from Canadian violinist James Ehnes.

While Ehnes may not readily embrace the "superstar" emblem, he is as deserving of that status as anyone, and not because his publicist and record company have declared it. He is simply a phenomenal violinist and extraordinary musician who, from the first bars of Caprice No. 1 commands your attention and never lets it wander through the next 75 or so minutes.

Unlike some violinists whose aim is simply to call attention to their dazzling technique and charismatic musicianship (which Ehnes has in spades!), as you listen to Ehnes, there's never a hint of exploitation--he's all business, all about the fire and passion in Paganini's outrageously extroverted signatures. And his technique is so smooth, so natural, you are not distracted by noticing such mundane, human impairments as physical effort, nor do you fail to appreciate his gifts for tonal allure and sheer dramatic flair--Paganini's technical obstacles are, well, just not obstacles at all. And that's just how it should be in these works, a tribute to the composer's uninhibited style and unfettered understanding of what the violin--and a skilled violinist--can do.

A critical observer easily can go through and dissect each one of the 24 caprices and judge Ehnes' approach relative to other benchmarks--but as far as I'm concerned, playing of this caliber stands on its own, apart from comparisons, no matter how judicious or thoughtful. Ehnes' performances are solid enough and authoritative enough that you can confidently choose this recording as your reference--and as a guaranteed, bedazzling journey through some of the violin repertoire's most awesome terrain. Highly recommended!

--David Vernier, ClassicsToday.com

ссылка: Фляк+причиндалы (421 MB)


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Всего комментариев: 6
1. (RayBrown)   (12 Октября 14 20:55) [Материал]
Спасибо! весьма сильное исполнение и отличное качество записи звука самого инструмента!!! appl

2. alex sidmak (sidmak)   (13 Октября 14 07:48) [Материал]
"Violin - ex-Marsick Stradivarius of 1715"

Немало в Формуле 1 есть славных достижений.
Конечно, важен и болид, но... Паганини гений! :)

3. Денис (denis_kutalyov)   (16 Октября 14 04:43) [Материал]
Когда славный есть болид
и композитор - гений,
Голова хоть не болит
от струн смычком скрипений bugaga

4. alex sidmak (sidmak)   (16 Октября 14 08:50) [Материал]
Всему виною канифоль -
Она скрипит ужасно!
Ведь без неё коню мы хвост
Обрезали б напрасно! :D

5. alex sidmak (sidmak)   (16 Октября 14 08:54) [Материал]
Увлёкся! Самое главное забыл...


6. (zippy)   (10 Мая 16 04:44) [Материал]
СПАСИБО! Thank you very much!

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