5-8. Ludlow Town (1920): 1. When Smoke Stood Up From Ludlow, 2. Farewell to barn and stack and tree, 3. Say, Lad, Have You things To Do, 4. The Lads in their hundreds
9-10. Two Songs. 1. The Bean Flower, 2. Impromptu in March
11. In Youth Is Pleasure
12. The Merry Month of May
13. A Dream of Death
14. Come Away, Death
15. Troll the Bowl
16. Can't You Dance the Polka
17. Mrs Dyer, the Baby Farmer
18. Maltworms
19-25. Seven Poems by James Joyce (1930). 1. Strings in the Earth and Air, 2. The Merry Green Wood, 3. Bright Cap, 4. The Pleasant Valley, 5. Donnycarney, 6. Rain has Fallen, 7. Now, O Now, in this Brown Land
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Диск 2:
1.When I Came Last to Ludlow
2. Tis Time, I Think, by Wenlock town
3. Far in a Western Brookland
4. Loveliest of Trees
5. Oh Fair Enough are Sky and Plain (first version)
6. Oh Fair Enough are Sky and Plain (second version)
7. Oh Fair Enough are Sky and Plain (third version)
8. Weep You No More
9. The Sweet o' the Year
10. The Day of Palms
11. Blue-eyed Spring
12. Rosefrail
13. Tilly
14. Rahoon
15-18. Four English Lyrics (1934). 1. Cherry Ripe, 2. Willow Songs, 3. The Constant Lover, 4. The Passionate Shepherd
19-22. Four Shakespeare Songs (1940). 1. The Lover and his Lass, 2. Where the Bee Sucks, 3. When daisies pied, 4. When Icicles Hang by the Wall
23. Diaphenia
24. Rosaline
25. The Monk's Fancy
26. Invitation in Autumn
27. If There Be Any Gods
28-33. Six Poems of Seumas O'Sullivan (1946). 1. Evening, 2. The Poplars, 3. A Cottager, 4. The Dustman, 5. Lullaby. 6. The Herdsman
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