Уважаемый Пётр. Буклет более чем лаконичен в изложении содержания. Wilfried, who loves Mita but is tied to his wife, seeks death as his only way out, the dagger becoming his angel of peace (as a symbol for suicide). As church and sosiety reject persons who take their own life, his mother conceals the way he died. Mita enters a convent but leaves full of revulsion to turn back to life and love; for thinking so freely, she is banned and proscribed by the Duke. In the meantime, Wilfried suicide has been revealed and the peasants want to excavate his body from graveyard to bury him at the riverside. On the mound of his grave, they find Mita lying dead. A chorus from church prevents the peasants from executing their plan. The chorus cannot be perceived by all people standing by - just like the visible, silent appearence of the Angel of Peace at the end of opera.
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