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Главная страница » 2022»Январь»17 » Опера Дж. Верди "Жанна д'Арк" / Giovanna d'Arco de Giuseppe Verdi (la Scala de Milan, 2015)
Опера Дж. Верди "Жанна д'Арк" / Giovanna d'Arco de Giuseppe Verdi (la Scala de Milan, 2015)
Francesco Meli (Carlo VII), Анна Нетребко (Жанна д'Арк), Devid Cecconi (Giacomo), Дмитрий Белосельский (Тальбот) Michele Mauro (Delil) Хор и Симфонический оркестр театра "Ла Скала", дирижёр Риккардо Шайи Staging Moshe Leiser, Patrice Caurier 07 December 2015, en direct de la Scala de Milan
SYNOPSIS Act One Domrémy A chorus of soldiers and townspeople laments the poor fortunes of the war and curses the English who have invaded their land. Orléans is also under siege and is about to fall. King Charles VII enters; downcast and sorrowful, he announces his intention to surrender to the enemy. He then gives an account of a dream that he has had of a voice telling him to place his helmet and sword at the foot of the image of the Virgin in a country chapel in the middle of the forest. The chorus of townspeople, somewhat surprised, observes that such an image exists in a wild, gloomy clearing nearby. The king decides to go there, while the chorus tries in vain to dissuade him. A forest In a sinister and scary atmosphere, Giacomo, Giovanna’s father, enters the forest clearing. He is secretly following his daughter, whom he suspects of having given her soul to the forces of Evil. Giovanna herself arrives and, as she does every day, she kneels in front of the image of the Virgin to ask for one blessing: arms to fight for her country. Then she falls asleep. Charles enters, and after laying his helmet and sword before the chapel, he kneels in prayer. Next the "voices” that agitate Giovanna’s sleep are heard: firstly, a chorus of demons accompanied by the band and the triangle; then a chorus of angels accompanied by the harp and the harmonium. Suddenly, Giovanna awakes, and after taking up Charles’ arms, she sings a cabaletta full of warlike enthusiasm to which the king and Giacomo add their voices, the former full of amazement and admiration, the latter scornful and angry. Act Two A remote place The scene moves to the camp of the English who have been defeated by the French army led by Giovanna. Giacomo arrives in a state of extreme agitation. He promises the English to deliver the bold and guilty Giovanna into their hands. A Garden at the court in Rheims Giovanna has come outside in order to escape the celebrations taking place in the palace. She is in love with the king and her turmoil is expressed simultaneously by the angelic and devilish voices already heard in the prologue. Just as Giovanna takes the decision to leave the court and to return to her father in their humble village, the king enters and the couple declare their love for each other while the mysterious voices keep tormenting the heroine. Act Three The square in Rheims The people gather to witness the coronation ceremony. After the triumphal march, which accompanies the passing of the royal procession, Giacomo declares his intention to denounce Giovanna’s guilt before all. From the cathedral a hymn is heard signalling the end of the ceremony, and soon Giovanna emerges followed by the king who tries to calm her. When Charles invites the people to pay homage to the saviour of France, Giacomo bursts out with his terrible accusation: Giovanna is impure and sacrilegious. In the general amazement, Charles invites Giacomo to provide proof of his allegations. Then Giacomo demands three times that Giovanna refute his accusations, if she can: is it not true that she is guilty? Confused, she says nothing and her silence is taken as proof of her guilt. Act Four Inside a fortress in the English camp In her prison, Giovanna lies in chains. Hearing the noise of the battle nearby, she begs God to allow her to run to the aid of the French for one last time. Giacomo, who has entered unseen, listens to Giovanna’s prayer and understands that his accusations have been unjust. He frees his daughter and is reconciled with her, offering her his own sword. Giovanna rushes out to join the battle, which is described by Giacomo through the dramatic device known as teichoscopy. Then Charles enters, once more victorious thanks to Giovanna’s help. However, shortly afterwards comes the news of the heroine’s death, and a funeral march is played as her body is brought forward for all to see. In reality, Giovanna is not yet dead and she sings her last words in an atmosphere of ecstatic rapture and collective apotheosis.
Emilio Sala
Arthur Gray (ArthurGray5) добавил ссылку на видеозапись с русскими субтитрами:
Запись трансляции телеканала "Культура" с русскими субтитрами. Качество не идеальное, но до появления лучшего может пригодится:
Аспид (обычно в оформленьи скуп) Synopsis здесь добавил вдруг. Вот если б не Synopsis, а либретто, По русски, я бы понял это. ----------------------------------- Надеюсь, дива похудела; Иначе что ж это за дева? Спасибо!
2.Aspid Aretipsnavov (Aspid) (08 Декабря 15 19:40)
Для Верди либретто по-русски не писали. Оформить может каждый сам для себя как ему понравится, было бы что оформлять!
Жечо! Спасибо, что просветили меня, деревенщину серую!! В отличие от Вас, я Мели не один раз слышал в театре и даже где-то есть фото с ним. Не надо писать прописные истины!! Я от Вас вообще бы комментов читать не хотел. Уж Вы бы пропускали, сделали бы божескую милость, мои комменты!! Ирония - это не Ваше...
Нетребко выложилась на все 100! Хулители посрамлены, ИМХО. Непонятно, почему у дофина, убитого горем даже штаны золотого цвета. Хотелось бы это поиметь в приличном качестве.
На rutracker.org без русских субтитров. Я добавил ссылку только из-за них, потому что видеозаписей этой оперы с русскими субтитрами немного. Но если не гоняться за субтитрами, то качество выложенного Вами материала самое оптимальное.
Там 2 многотомных архива. Достаточно задать команду на разархивирование файлов с расширением 7z.001 (таких файлов два). Автоматически будут извлечены из архива все тома, и Вы получите два видеофайла.
Я архивировал 2 видеофайла: первую и вторую части трансляции телеканала "Культура": Giovanna d'Arco-2015-12-La Scala-TK Kultura-1 Giovanna d'Arco-2015-12-La Scala-TK Kultura-2
Aspid Aretipsnavov (Aspid), спасибо за ответ. Но после извлечения из этого архива ("Культура") архиватором WinRAR у меня получилось 9 файлов: Giovanna d'Arco-2015-12-LaScala-TK Kultura-1.7z.001 Giovanna d'Arco-2015-12-LaScala-TK Kultura-1.7z.002 Giovanna d'Arco-2015-12-LaScala-TK Kultura-1.7z.003 Giovanna d'Arco-2015-12-LaScala-TK Kultura-1.7z.004 Giovanna d'Arco-2015-12-LaScala-TK Kultura-1.7z.005 Giovanna d'Arco-2015-12-LaScala-TK Kultura-2.7z.001 Giovanna d'Arco-2015-12-LaScala-TK Kultura-2.7z.002 Giovanna d'Arco-2015-12-LaScala-TK Kultura-2.7z.003 Giovanna d'Arco-2015-12-LaScala-TK Kultura-2.7z.004 Что с ними делать дальше?
Уважжаемый Arthur Gray (ArthurGray5) ! Девятьт файлов я получил, но на первом у меня не вышла опция "извлечь файлы". Подскажите, пожалуйста, как разархивировать дальше? С надеждой.
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