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«  Декабрь 2020  »

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Главная страница » 2020 » Декабрь » 25 » Бернар Фоккруль: И я увидел четыре звезды
Бернар Фоккруль: И я увидел четыре звезды

Теги: dante, Foccroulle, Фоккруль, Ensemble InAlto, Bernard Foccroulle

Bernard Foccroulle: E vidi quattro stelle (2020)

E vidi quattro stelle (frammenti dal Purgatorio di Dante)
scena per baritono, soprano, cornetto, tre tromboni, arpa e organo grande

01 Departure from hell at dawn
02 Along the shore (Canto I)
03 Dante and Virgil climb the mountain (Canto IV)
04 Meeting with crowd of sinners who died violent deaths (Canto V)
05 In the smoke of the wrathful (Cantos XV-XVI-XVIII)
06 Dante's dream (Canto XXIII)
07 Dante finds Beatrice (Canto XXX)
08 Accusations of Beatrice and Dante's loss of consciousness (Canto XXXI)
09 Matelda bathes Dante in waters of Lethe - dance of 4 fair ladies (Canto XXXI)
10 Sun, slower and more blazing than before, arrives at its noonday zenith (C XXXIII)
11 Revived and refreshed, Dante is ready to ascend to the stars (end of Canto XXXIII)

Alice Foccroulle soprano, Nikolay Borchev baritone
Ensemble InAlto:
Yoann Tardivel organ, Jutta Troch harp, Lambert Colson cornetto
Guy Hanssen, Charlotte van Passen, Bart Vroomen trombones

Bernard Foccroulle (b. 1953) | bernardfoccroulle.com | inalto.fr

This program is built around two of the most influential writers in Italian medieval literature: Dante Aligheri and Francesco Petrarca. Their texts were extremely famous among composers of the 16th and 17th century composers looking for a very deep and expressive kind of poetry, filled with emotions and developing themes that were important to the eyes and hearts of the madrigalists and the pioneers of the "seconda pratica” like Jacopo Peri, Giulio Caccuni, Marco da Gagliano...

The Loss of the loved one, the extreme fragility of life itself, the wandering of the souls and the power of love are common sources of inspiration in Dante and Petrarca

InAlto is performing here some jewels of the early baroque of a great dramatic intensity in dialogue with Bernard Foccroulle’s music composed on extracts of the Purgatory.

The Purgatory, the central piece in the famous Dante Aligheri’s trilogy, sees the narrator accompanied by Virgil out of Hell et rise above the mountain that leads to Paradise.

Sublime visions of the skies and the nature form this impressive text. The two travellers are dialoguing and meet many tormented souls, waiting for their salvation. Exhausted, Dante falls asleep several times. Almost arrived at the top, Virgil silently disappears right when Dante meets with Beatrice. Their reunion is an extremely dramatic moment: Beatrice recalls her lover the past wanderings and treasons that followed her own death.

DL fileconvoy (21 days) | @320

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