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«  Декабрь 2020  »

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Главная страница » 2020 » Декабрь » 16 » Джон Вулрих: Lending Wings
Джон Вулрих: Lending Wings

Теги: Вулрих, Masson, Ensemble, Brodsky Quartet, Woolrich, Ансамбль

John Woolrich: Lending Wings (1996)

01 Dartington Doubles
02 Berceuse
03 Lending Wings
04 Black Riddle
05 The Death of King Renaud
06 Spalanzani's Daughter
07 A Farewell

01-04, 06 Composers Ensemble, Diego Masson
02, 04 Mary Wiegold soprano
05 Jane Atkins viola, Brodsky Quartet
07 Mark van de Wiel clarinet, Jane Atkins viola, Catherine Edwards piano

John Woolrich (b. 1954) | johnwoolrich.com | nmcrec.co.uk

This excellently recorded disc is a good introduction to the music of an English composer who is at last beginning to receive the attention he deserves. John Woolrich (b. 1954) can be classified as one of those ‘mainstream’ figures whose scrupulous attention to matters of harmony and textural balance indicates a healthy indifference to all avant-garde, experimental pretensions. As the earliest work included – Spalanzani’s Daughter – makes clear, back in 1983 he favoured the hectic ostinatos and sudden, ominous moments of repose characteristic of Birtwistle at that time. Then, in Black Riddle (1984) we encounter a restrained yet edgy lyrical quality that proves to be a Woolrich hallmark in all the later pieces.

‘Ruminative’ is a favourite word in the composer’s accompanying notes, and it could be felt – at least in A Farewell (1992) – that quietly insistent repetition risks subverting the music’s more natural impulse to evolve and intensify. This work alone might suggest that Woolrich is another frustrated romantic who would prefer to write post-Mahlerian symphonies if only orchestras would play them. Nevertheless, the other works reveal an uncanny ability to counter repose with hints of menace and instability, not in any aggressive way, but with subtlety and, where appropriate, humour. In particular, Lending Wings and Dartington Doubles are not just accomplished in technique but models of unfussy, strongly characterized musical thinking.

There is much pleasure to be gained from these polished performances of a well-balanced programme. I hope that recordings of some of Woolrich’s larger works will soon follow.'

— Arnold Whittall | gramophone.co.uk

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