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«  Январь 2020  »

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Текущая дата: Пятница, 13 Сентября 24, 22:24
Главная страница » 2020 » Январь » 7 » Giuseppe Verdi - Les vepres siciliennes / Джузеппе Верди - Сицилийская вечерня (Bayerische Staatsoper - 2018)
Giuseppe Verdi - Les vepres siciliennes / Джузеппе Верди - Сицилийская вечерня (Bayerische Staatsoper - 2018)

Теги: Сицилийская вечерня, Verdi, Верди, Les vepres siciliennes

Hélène Rachel Willis-Sørensen
Ninetta Helena Zubanovich
Guy de Montfort George Petean
Procida Erwin Schrott
Henri Leonardo Caimi
Danieli Matthew Grills
Mainfroid Galeano Salas
Robert Callum Thorpe
Thibaut Long Long
Le Sire de Béthune Alexander Milev
Le Comte de Vaudemont Johannes Kammler

Bayerisches Staatsorchester
Chor und Extrachor der Bayerischen Staatsoper
Omer Meir Wellber, conductor

Antú Romero Nunes, director

Bayerische Staatsoper, 18.03.2018.

ССЫЛКА: https://yadi.sk/i/KxiCk0fu3TcSUG
Категория: видео | Просмотров: 2009 | Добавил(а): LadyIzolda
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Всего комментариев: 4
1. Николай (nikobir1486)   (08 Января 20 01:31) [Материал]
Большое спасибо!

2. (svetlananderson)   (08 Января 20 10:19) [Материал]
Спасибо! appl

3. José Carlos Neves Lopes (neveslopes7)   (08 Января 20 15:34) [Материал]
appl appl

4. José Carlos Neves Lopes (neveslopes7)   (08 Января 20 15:39) [Материал]
Antú Romero Nunes was born in Tübingen in 1983, the son of a Chilean mother and a Portugese father. He gained his first theatre experience as a director and actor at the Tübinger Theater in Lindenhof. Following this he worked as a direction and production assistant on theatre and film productions in Chile. After his return to Germany in 2005 he began to study Directing at the Ernst Busch Academy of Dramatic Arts in Berlin and as a student he staged productions at theatres in Düsseldorf, Berlin and Schwerin. He directed his final year graduation production, “Der Geisterseher”, based on Schiller’s unfinished novel at the Maxim Gorki Theatre in Berlin, which led to an invitation to the 2010 “Radikal jung” festival for emerging talent at the Munich Volkstheater. His Frankfurt production of ‘Peer Gynt’ earned him another invitation to Radikal jung.

The critics at “Theater heute” magazine voted Antú Romero Nunes as Most Promising Director of the Year 2010 for his production, “Das Prinzip Meese”.

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