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«  Апрель 2019  »

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Главная страница » 2019 » Апрель » 21 » Воспоминания о Кэтлин Ферриер - Записи 1947-1952 гг.
Воспоминания о Кэтлин Ферриер - Записи 1947-1952 гг.

Теги: Bruno Walter, Frederick Stone, Kathleen Ferrier, Кэтлин Ферриер, Gerald Moore

Kathleen's Ferrier's legacy of recordings has been well-known and widely-admired for over 60 years. So it seems amazing that, after so long, a treasury of previously unpublished and little-circulated BBC broadcasts is now being released. In typical fashion, SOMM leads the way in remembering great composers and artists of the past and Kathleen Ferrier is one of hte most divinely gifted among them. These recordings are from two sources. Several are from BBC's own archives and include Ferrier's first broadcast of Rubbra's Three Psalms, Op. 61, of which she was the dedicatee, five Schubert Lieder, four by Brahms and Parry's Love is a bable, recorded at the 1948 Edinburgh Festival, which makes a delightful conclusion to the album. The other source is the remarkable collection of Kenneth Leech, a composer and engineer who, from the 1930s to the 1950s, recorded numerous broadcasts, mainly using Bakelite and metal discs - the usual way for an enthusiast to preserve radio programmes at that time. This collection is stored at the National Sound Archive in the British Library.

Brahms, Johannes
Lieder (4), op.96
» no.2 Wir wandelten
» no.3 Es schauen die Blumen
Lieder (5), op.47
» I Botschaft
» III Sonntag
Lieder (6), op.97
» no.1 Nachtigall
Lieder (7), op.95
» no.4 Der Jager
Lieder and Songs (8), op.59
» no.2 Auf dem See
Romanzen aus Die schone Magelone (15), op.33
» no.9 Ruhe, Sussliebchen

Jacobson, Maurice
The Song of Songs

Mahler, Gustav
Des Knaben Wunderhorn
» no.11a Urlicht

Parry, Charles Hubert Hastings
Love is a bable, op.152 no.3

Rubbra, Edmund
Psalms (3), op.61

Schubert, Franz
Der Musensohn, op.92 no.1 D764
Die junge Nonne, D828, op.43 no.1
Lachen und Weinen, D777
Rastlose Liebe, D138
Rosamunde, D797
» Der Vollmond strahlt auf Bergeshoh'n
Suleika I 'Was bedeutet die Bewegung?', D720
Suleika II 'Ach, um deine feuchten Schwingen', D717
Wandrers Nachtlied II 'Uber allen Gipfeln ist Ruh', D768
Winterreise, op.89, D911
» no.6 Wasserflut (Flood Water)

Stanford, Charles Villiers
La belle dame sans merci

Wolf, Hugo
» no.15 Auf einer Wanderung

Kathleen Ferrier (contralto)
Bruno Walter (piano)
Gerald Moore (piano)
Frederick Stone (piano)

~ 267 Mb

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Всего комментариев: 7
1. Leandr9 (Leandr9)   (21 Апреля 19 20:05) [Материал]
Еще Кэтлин Ферриер! Снова большая радость! Спасибо!!!

2. (eduards990)   (21 Апреля 19 20:46) [Материал]
Что-то пароль не виду. А требуют!

3. Lev Krylov (parmelia)   (21 Апреля 19 22:58) [Материал]
Благодарю! Пароль не требовал.

4. Leonid Ryzhov (leonidryzhov)   (22 Апреля 19 13:58) [Материал]

5. Taras V. (little_listener)   (23 Апреля 19 16:06) [Материал]
appl appl appl

6. valeria (valeria)   (24 Апреля 19 10:57) [Материал]
Спасибо! :D heart hands flowers

7. Gilbert (gilbert002737)   (07 Июля 19 00:22) [Материал]

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