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«  Апрель 2019  »

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Главная страница » 2019 » Апрель » 5 » Порпора и Гендель - ”Duel” - Джузеппина Бриделли (меццо) - 2018
Порпора и Гендель - ”Duel” - Джузеппина Бриделли (меццо) - 2018

Теги: Giuseppina Bridelli, Franck-Emmanuel Comte, Джузеппина Бриделли

Despite the rivalry between the operatic companies leaded by Haendel and Porpora in London (1734-1737), much has to be said about the real nature of the connection between the two composers. Both the musicians were considered outstandingly original for their aesthetic choices. Both admired each other's music. The few whirlwind years of their defiance in Great Britain produced memorable scores: among them, Ariodante by Haendel and Polifemo by Porpora, performed with simultaneous runs in the city theaters. The fight between the two operatic company was an opportunity for the composers to meet and discover each other, to deal with the taste of the audience and to experiment new ideas, getting strength from the incredible skills of the members of the vocal casts (Farinelli, Senesino, Carestini, etc.). 

This CD tries to capture the soul of such a complicated intellectual relationship, presenting significant exemples of the composers' style and outlining the borders of the mutual esteem between two giants in the history of music. On her debut solo album, the young talented mezzosoprano Giuseppina Bridelli performs with effortless bravery the difficult pages written for some of the most famous singers of the 18th century: between them, a version with original variations of Haendel Scherza infida. 

George Frideric Handel (1685-1759)
1. Sta nell’ircana pietrosa tana – Alcina HWV 34 (London, 1735)
Nicola Porpora (1686-1768)
2. Nume che reggi ’l mare – Arianna in Naxo (London, 1733 )
3. Dolce è su queste alte mie logge a sera – David e Bersabea (London, 1734)
4. Fu del braccio onnipotente – David e Bersabea (London, 1734)
5-7. Ouverture – Polifemo (London, 1735)
8. A questa man verrà – Calcante e Achille (London, 1735)
George Frideric Handel
9. Scherza infida – Ariodante HWV 33 (London, 1735)
Nicola Porpora
10. Il gioir qualor s’aspetta – Polifemo (London, 1735)
George Frideric Handel
11-14. Suite de ballet – Ariodante HWV 33
Nicola Porpora
15. Alza al soglio i guardi – Mitridate (London, 1736)
George Frideric Handel
16. Inumano fratel, barbara madre – Tolomeo HWV 25 (London, 1728)
17. Stille amare, già vi sento – Tolomeo HWV 25 (London, 1728)
18. Quando piomba improvvisa saetta – Catone in Utica HWV A7 (London, 1732)

Giuseppina Bridelli (mezzo-soprano),
Le Concert de l’Hostel Dieu,
Franck-Emmanuel Comte.
rec. 27-30 June, 2018, at the Temple Lanterne, Lyon, France. 

~ 328

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Всего комментариев: 5
1. Lev Krylov (parmelia)   (05 Апреля 19 10:05) [Материал]

2. Виталий Кассис (Cassis)   (05 Апреля 19 10:50) [Материал]
Спасибо! Буклет тут можно посмотреть: https://issuu.com/elvanden/docs/a_461_booklet_digitale/7

5. alex sidmak (sidmak)   (05 Апреля 19 21:25) [Материал]
Посмотрел и отпринтскринил. :)


3. Родион (Лирник)   (05 Апреля 19 14:11) [Материал]
appl bravo appl

4. alex sidmak (sidmak)   (05 Апреля 19 21:20) [Материал]
Порпора и Гендель - ”Duel”

Ох, уж эти дуэлянты
на нервишках спекулянты!
Оба живы, слава богу!
Секундант лишь ранен в ногу. :D


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