Корнгольд - "Das Wunder der Heliane", Опера в трех действиях (Bollon)
Erich Wolfgang Korngold "Das Wunder der Heliane" Opera in 3 Acts, Op.20
Annemarie Kremer, Sopran Katerina Hebelková, Alt Nutthaporn Thammathi, Tenor Ian Storey, Tenor György Hanczár, Tenor Aris Argiris, Bariton Frank van Hove, Bass
For heaven's sake! We have arrived in the 21th century. Nevertheless Klimt should be banned from this site?
And what's about museums for art? Should they also prohibit access to young humans under the age of 16 to prevent them to see "inappropriate" paintings and sculptures.
What is an appropriate age to be confronted with Michelangelos "David" ?
Dear Peter, Gustav Klimt is not banned from our site. A proposition to set a kind of age restriction is a personal opinion of one man, not a position of the site administration. Of course, 'plain' pornography is prohibited here, but Klimt's art has nothing common with it.
Concerning to advertisements, newspapers and magazines you are totally right! The way advertising companies are trying to attract attention by naked flesh is just disgusting! Not to mention half naked performed videos of nowadays pop icons!
The real sacrilege is that I turned Eva by 90° and - even worse - cropped her! On the other hand maybe it's better not to show the whole Eva.
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