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«  Июль 2018  »

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Главная страница » 2018 » Июль » 8 » Образ Семелы в музыке Генделя, Маре, Детуш - ”Les Ombres” - 2013
Образ Семелы в музыке Генделя, Маре, Детуш - ”Les Ombres” - 2013

Теги: Handel, Sylvain Sartre, Semele, Destouches, Marin Marais

The destiny of Semele has attracted  representatives of many artistic and  literary movements, from the seventeenth  century down to our own time. But it was in  the Baroque era that the expression of the love,  the manifestation of the desire, and the excess of  ambition of this alluring heroine met their ideal  partner in music. For was not an age that saw so  many artistic and social upheavals ideally suited  to portraying in music the charms exerted by the  seductive Semele?  
Among these works, we have selected three  masterpieces, all named after the eponymous  heroine: Sémélé, the final tragédie lyrique of Marin  Marais, on an excellent libretto by Antoine  Houdar de La Motte, premiered in 1709; the  secular cantata by André Cardinal Destouches,  published in 1709; and the opera in English by  George Frideric Handel, presented in oratorio  form in 1744.  Through this repertoire, several generations of  performers have brought the Greek myth back to  life. But no one had hitherto placed these works  in a perspective revealing their shared inspiration.

1-5 Marin Marais (1656-1728)
Sémélé (1709) 
Tragédie sur un livret de Antoine Houdar de La Motte
6-11 André Cardinal Destouches (1672-1749)
Cantate à voix seule avec symphonie sur un texte de Antoine Houdar de La Motte
12-14 Georg Friedrich Handel (1685-1759)
Concerto grosso en fa majeur opus 3 no.4 (HWV 315)
15 Semele (1743)
Opéra sur un livret de William Congreve 
16 L’Allegro, il Penseroso ed il Moderato (1740)
17-23 Tra le fiamme (Il consiglio) (1707) 
Cantate sur un texte de Benedetto Pamphili
24-28 Semele (1743)
29-30 Theodora (1750)
Oratorio sur un livret de Thomas Morell

Chantal Santon-Jeffery, soprano 
Mélodie Ruvio, alt 
Ensemble ”Les Ombres”,
Margaux Blanchard, Sylvain Sartre.

Recorded at the Espace Culturel Joseph Bonnet, Jujurieux, France, June 2013.

395 Mb

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FLAC + booklet

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1. Сергей Федорович (sergfv)   (17 Марта 18 13:06) [Материал]

2. (peterarkadiev)   (30 Марта 20 21:34) [Материал]

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