Йозеф Иоахим Рафф - Сюита для фортепиано и струнного оркестра, увертюры и прелюдии. Symphony Orchestra of Norrlands Opera - Roland Kluttig | 22:30 |
Joseph Joachim Raff (1822-1882)
1-5. Suite for Piano and String Orchestra, Op.200 38:24
6. "Die Eifersüchtigen", overture from the opera 8:18
7. "König Alfred", overture from the opera 14:41
8-9. "Dornröschen", prelude and intermezzo from the epic fairy tale 11:57
10. "Samson", prelude for the third act from the opera 4:17
Total time: 77:46Tra Nguyen (piano, 1-5) Symphony Orchestra of Norrlands Opera Roland Kluttig (conductor)Источник: odeonmusic.blogspot.ru FLAC - 372 MB, MP3/224-320[vbr] - 155 MB https://cloud.mail.ru/public/54Pw/wqgcno9Ct Пароль - intoclassics
Категория: аудио |
Просмотров: 1721 |
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