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«  Август 2015  »

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Главная страница » 2015 » Август » 7 » Heinrich Schütz (Генрих Шютц) - Symphoniae sacrae III (excerpts)
Heinrich Schütz (Генрих Шютц) - Symphoniae sacrae III (excerpts)

Теги: Schutz, Heinrich Schütz, Генрих Шютц, Vashegyi György, Dresdner Kammerchor

Bachwoche Ansbach 2015
Münster Heilsbronn, 04.08.2015 | FM D-Radio Kultur, 04.08.2015

Dresdner Kammerchor and the solists

Sopran: Dorothee Mields und Ulrike Hofbauer
Altus: David Erler
Tenor: Georg Poplutz und Tobias Mäthger
Bass: Felix Schwandtke

Dresdner Kammerchor
Dresdner Barockorchester
Leitung: Hans-Christoph Rademann

Heinrich Schütz: Symphoniae sacrae III (excerpts)

1. Komm, heiliger Geist, Herre Gott, SWV 417
2. Herr, wie lange willst du mein so gar vergessen?, SWV 416
3. Ich hebe meine Augen auf zu den Bergen, SWV 399
4. Seid barmherzig, wie auch euer Vater barmherzig ist, SWV 409
5. Es ging ein Sämann aus, SWV 408
6. Saul, Saul, was verfolgst du mich, SWV 415
7. Der Herr ist mein Hirt, SWV 398
8. Mein Sohn, warum hast du uns das angetan?, SWV 401
9. O süßer Herr Jesu Christ, SWV 405
10. Vater unser, SWV 411
11. Lasset uns doch den Herren, unsern Gott loben, SWV 407
12. Siehe, wie fein und lieblich, SWV 412
13. Nun danket alle Gott, SWV 418
14. Applause

81 min. | flac (tracks, level 8) | 426 MB
download: H. Schutz - Symphoniae sacrae III

Категория: аудио | Просмотров: 2180 | Добавил(а): Hugin33
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Всего комментариев: 10
1. Сергей Федорович (sergfv)   (07 Августа 15 13:03) [Материал]
Вот спасибо!
Из 3-й тетради Symphoniae sacrae на Погружении ничего не было.
Или было давно и не сохранилось?

2. (Hugin33)   (07 Августа 15 13:31) [Материал]
There are existing some CDs with Schutz' Symphoniae sacrae III, for example http://tinyurl.com/o9hbh9q or http://tinyurl.com/odju2z7

But you can't buy a record from an unedited live concert, that was (only one time) broadcasted in the german radio.

3. Родион Лирник (Лирник)   (07 Августа 15 14:20) [Материал]
appl bravo appl

4. Vladimir Popov (domosed-40)   (08 Августа 15 22:54) [Материал]
Слушал трансляцию DLR Kultur по интернету (там mp3 128k), исполнение великолепное. Давно слежу за концертами Ханса-Кристофа Радеманна, и каждый раз - огромное удовольствие. Спасибо за flac, можно переслушать в еще более высоком качестве звука.

5. (Hugin33)   (09 Августа 15 01:20) [Материал]
I like the performances of Schütz' compositions by Rademann also and offered two other concerts, directed by H.-C. Rademann, before this offer. This here is IMO an outstanding concert, also the sound quality: http://intoclassics.net/news/2014-02-03-35205

Thanks for your kindly comment.

6. Vladimir Popov (domosed-40)   (09 Августа 15 12:43) [Материал]
Thanks four your tip. I have picked up these concerts then (in 2014) - thanks a lot.
I happened to came across Schuetz in Soviet time by Eterna LPs, as he was not been performed in SU, and I was greatly impressed by his works on these Eterna LPs. I should check, but it seems that they were recording of Dresden Choirs.

9. (Hugin33)   (15 Августа 15 01:03) [Материал]
Yes. But a CD record and a live performance from the same choir isn't the same. You will hear some small differences in execution, also in sound, because the CD wasn't recorded in Heilsbronn abbey with crowd.

7. er Zu (er)   (14 Августа 15 23:05) [Материал]
Thank you for beautiful music!
As ever everything is perfect.
Is it really the records broadcasted in the german radio are
'laied on the shelf' afterwards?!

8. (Hugin33)   (15 Августа 15 00:44) [Материал]
Yes, that is the reality. A record of a concert - good or bad, it doesn't matter - will be broadcasted only one time in the radio. This concert will be broadcasted again by (regional) BR-Klassik on 28.08.2015. http://www.bachwoche.de/de/programm-2015/konzerte/symphoniae-sacrae.html

This isn't common. Mostly you have only one chance to hear or to record such a concert from the radio. "Friß oder stirb" ('eat or die'), how we say in German.

10. Валерий Бахтин (Bahtin)   (25 Августа 15 19:11) [Материал]
Спасибо! appl

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