особая благодарность уважаемому daviqnon за предоставленный муз.архив
Тавенер -The Veil of the Temple
1.01 - The Mystical Love Song of the Sufi's 1.02 - Cycle I - Primordial Call 1.03 - Cycle II - Primordial Call 1.04 - God's Creation 1.05 - Outside the Gates of Paradise 1.06 - Our Father 1.07 - Holy Mary 1.08 - Alleluia, Theos Erastos 1.09 - Gospel of St John 1.10 - Thrice Holy Hymn - Resurrection 1.11 - Beatitudes of St Issac the Syrian 1.12 - Cycle III - Primordial Call 1.13 - Psalm of Creation 1.14 - Outside the Gates of Paradise 1.15 - Cycle IV - Primordial Call 1.16 - Mystery of the Nothingness of God 1.17 - Cycle V - Primordial Call 1.18 - You Mantle Yourself in Light 1.19 - Jesus Prayers 1.20 - The Lord's Prayer 1.21 - Cycle VI - Primordial Call 1.22 - What God is we do not Know 1.23 - Alleluia, Theos Erastos 1.24 - Kyrie Eleison - Chant 1.25 - Te Re Rem - Ecstatic Chant 1.26 - Jesus Having Risen from the Tomb
2.01 - Cycle 7 Apocalyptic Primoridial Call 2.02 - Cycle 7 Absolved in the Mirror 2.03 - Cycle 7 Jesus Prayer 2.04 - Cycle 7 Hesychast Meditation 2.05 - Cycle 7 Mary Theotokos 2.06 - Cycle 7 Hail, Veil of the Temple 2.07 - Cycle 7 Mother of God 2.08 - Cycle 7 Alleluia 2.09 - Cycle 7 Gospel of St. John 2.10 - Cycle 8 Maranatha 2.11 - Cycle 8 Awake Thou That Sleepest 2.12 - Cycle 8 Into Beauty 2.13 - Cycle 8 Rending the Veil of the Temple Maya Atma 2.14 - Cycle 8 Knights Templar in the Temple Church 2.15 - Cycle 8 Light of Christ 2.16 - Cycle 8 Cosmic Rising 2.17 - Cycle 8 New Jerusalem - Upanishad Hymn 2.18 - Cycle 8 Shantih
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Просмотров: 2183 |
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