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«  Август 2013  »

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Главная страница » 2013 » Август » 28 » Arvo Pärt (Арво Пярт) - Kanon Pokajanen (Канон покаянен, excerpts)
Arvo Pärt (Арво Пярт) - Kanon Pokajanen (Канон покаянен, excerpts)

Теги: Kanon Pokajanen, Арво Пярт, Arvo Pärt, Канон покаянен

Schleswig-Holstein Musik Festival 2013

St. Michaeliskirche Hamburg, 09.08.2013
FM broadcast NDR-Kultur, 24.08.2013

Eesti Filharmoonia Kammerkoor
direction: Tõnu Kaljuste


1. Ode I
2. Ode IV
3. Ode VI
4. Kondakion
5. Ikos
6. Ode VIII
7. Ode IX
8. Praying after the canon
9. Applause

47 min. | flac (tracks, level 8) | 229 MB
download: Arvo Paert - Kanon Pokajanen

note: impressive concert.
If you look for the whole composition, please visit http://intoclassics.net/news/2009-11-03-10509
Категория: аудио | Просмотров: 2967 | Добавил(а): Hugin33
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Всего комментариев: 4
1. anm (alyosha)   (28 Августа 13 16:20) [Материал]
Большое спасибо!
Did I understand correctly that this is the same record as on the CD? Or maybe in this record are the same musicians, but another date?

2. (Hugin33)   (28 Августа 13 17:48) [Материал]
I only offer live performances, that was broadcasted (in good sound quality) by german radio stations.

This record was made by NDR-Kultur from a concert in Hamburg, in Sankt Michaeliskirche in August 2013. You can't buy this concert on CD. It was broadcasted one time and "lies or dies" now in an archive of the broadcast station.

The recordings for CD were made in Tallin in 2009, if I'm right. I downloaded your CD to be able to split the broadcast (in tracks) in a right manner.

If you compare the same tracks (for example track 1) from CD and this concert, you will hear some differences in intonation (the male voices IMO are stronger in the Hamburg concert).

Alyosha, I would never offer here "a mirror" of an offer from another person. I hate - for principle - such insolences and disrespectful behavior. But thanks for your offer. Without your offer, I would not have been able to split the concert. So - of course - I linked also to your offer.

3. (Hugin33)   (28 Августа 13 17:58) [Материал]
short: the same musicans, another date, another record.

4. anm (alyosha)   (28 Августа 13 19:57) [Материал]
Sorry, i just didn't understood at first, is here the same records or not. Thought that on the radio could broadcast records from CD. Now i understand! Большое спасибо, again!

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