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«  Май 2013  »

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Главная страница » 2013 » Май » 29 » Инструменты средневековья и эпохи Возрождения. The Early Music Consort of London, рук. Дэвид Манроу
Инструменты средневековья и эпохи Возрождения. The Early Music Consort of London, рук. Дэвид Манроу
Volume 1
1. Shawm - Saltarello (2007 Digital Remaster) - 1:55
2. Reed pipe - Shepherd’s tune - 1:20
3. Bagpipes - 3:14
4. Bladder pipes - Pastourelle (Au tans d’aost), from the Chansonnier Cang? - 1:80
5. Panpipes - Chanson ? refrain (A prisai qu’en chantant plour) - 1:13
6. Transverse flute - Minnesinger melody (Owe daz nach liebe gat) - 1:34
7. Six-holed pipe - Chanson pieuse (Dou tres douz non’) with improvised prelude & postlude for jew’s harp - 1:55
8. Double pipes - Virelai (Gracieusette) - 1:21
9. Pipe and tabor - Dansa (Ben volgra s’esser poges) - 1:13
10. Recorder - English Te Deum - 1:55
11. Gemshorn - Chansonnette (Quant je voy yver retirner) - 1:33
12. Portative organ - Madrigal (Ay schonsolato ed amoroso) - 1:43
13. Positive organ - Estampie from the Robertsbridge Fragment - 2:23
14. Hurdy-gurdy - Chanson (Jolivet? et bone amor) - 1:39
15. Clavichord - Ellend du hast - 2:16
16. Trumpet - 2:21
17. Trumpet - 3:37
18. Harp - 2:14
19. Lyre - Goliard melody (O Roma nobilis) - 0:51
20. Psaltery - Hymn to St. Magnus (Nobilis humilis) - 1:10
21. Dulcimer - Madrigal (Tanto soavemente) - 1:57
22. Lute - Madrigal (Di novo ? giunto) - 2:14
23. Mandora - Chanson (Amours que porra) - 1:23
24. Long-necked lute - Aquel que de voontade’ from the Cantigas de Santa Maria - 1:15
25. Gittern - Virelai (Quant je sui mis) - 1:20
26. Citole - English dance - 1:46
27. Rebec - La septime estampie real - 1:50
28. Fiddle - Ballata (Poi che da te mi convien) - 1:26
29. Bowed lyre - Virelai (Comment qu’a moy) - 1:35
30. Tromba marina - Improvised fanfare - 1:50
Volume 2
1. Shawm - 2 Courantes from Newe teutsche weltliche Ges?nglein, 1613 - 2:13
2. Curtal - Chanson (Ce qui souloit) - 1:45
3. Rackett - Caro ortolano from Il Primo Libro di Balli, 1578 - 1:30
4. Crumhorn - Padouana from the Banchetto Musicale, 1617 - 2:90
5. Cornamuse - Bicinium (Le cuer de vous) from Georg Rhaw’s Bicinia gallica et latina, 1545 - 1:11
6. Kortholt - Bicinium (Mon petit cueur) from Georg Rhaw’s Bicinia gallica et latina, 1545 - 1:23
7. Rauschpfeife - Three Bransles Doubles from Terpsichore, 1612 - 1:33
8. Flute - Chanson (Amour me poingt) from Pierre Attaingnant’s 2nd book of Chansons musicales, 1533 - 1:26
9. Recorder 8’ consort - Chanson (Hellas! Amour) from Pierre Attaingnant’s 2nd book of Chansons musicales, 1533 - 2:17
10. Recorder 4’ consort - The Fairie Round from Pavans, Galliards, Almains and other short aeirs, 1599 - 1:22
11. Renaissance organ - Entrada r?al - 2:20
12. Regal - 1:35
13. Harpsichord - toccata from the Naples Ms. - 1:57
14. Virginals - Variations on the Tomanesca from the Dublin Virginal Book, c. 1570 - 2:35
15. Xylophone - Ballo Francese from Il Primo Libro di Balli, 1578 - 0:57
16. Trumpet - 1:26
17. Sackbut - 2:59
18. Cornett - Canzona fro (due canti) from Canzoni da sonare, 1634 - 3:80
19. Alto & tenor cornett - Bicinium (Amour cruel) from Georg Rhaw’s Bicinia gallica et latina, 1545 - 1:22
20. Serpent - Canzona quarta for (basso solo) from the Canzoni da sonare, 1643 - 2:22
21. Lute - Orlando sleepeth - 1:44
22. Theorbo - A Fancy - Praelude, or Voluntary from Musick’s Monument, 1676 - 1:48
23. Mandora - Ballo Anglese from Il Primo Libro di Balli, 1578 - 1:60
24. Cittern - Galliarde from cittern and bass from the Cittharn Schoole, 1597 - 2:22
25. Ceterone - Toccata prima from Intavolatura di Liuto e di Chitarrone, 1623 - 1:44
26. Bandora - Galliard from the Braye Bandora Ms. - 0:50
27. Orpharion - Duet (Le Rossignol) from Jane Pickering’s Lute Book, 1616 - 1:36
28. Vihuela - Fantasia XI from El Maestro, 1536 - 2:50
29. Guitar - Pavana (variations on the Romanesca) from the Braye Lute Book, c. 1560 - 1:32
30. Viol - 3:21
31. Violin - la Volta - 1:32
Performers: The Early Music Consort of London. Andrew van der Beek (alto cornamuse, alto crumhorn, bass curtal, tenor kortholt, great-bass rackett, alto recorder, great-bass recorder, soprano rauschpfeife), Paul Bernard (organ), Roger Brenner (sackbutt, tenor sackbutt), Oliver Brookes (bass crumhorn, bowed lyre, alto rauschpfeife, bass rebec, bass recorder, tenor recoder, tromba marina, viol, bass viol, violone), David Corkhill (dulcimer, side drum, kettledrums, nakers, tabor, tambourin, mediaeval triangle with rings, xylophone), Christopher Hogwood (fretted clavichord, harp, irish harp, harpsichord, hurdy-gurdy, organ, portative organ, regal, tabor, virginal), Trevor Jones (bass viol), Michael Laird (buisine, clarion, cornett, alto cornett, mediaeval cornett, soprano sackbutt, natural trumpet), Alan Lumsden (cowhorn, tenor cornett, tenor flute, quart-bass rackett, quart-bass recorder, soprano recorder, tenor sackbutt, serpent, oriental trumpet, slide trumpet), Catherine Mackintosh (treble viol), David Munrow (soprano cornamuse, bass courtaut, alto crumhorn, soprano curtal, tenor curtal, flute, alto flute, alto gemshorn, bass kortholt, reed pipe, bagpipes, bladder pipes, six-holed pipe, double pipes, pipe, tenor rackett, sopranino rauschpfeife, alto recorder, tenor recorder, alto shawm, oriental shawm, soprano shawm, tenor shawm, tabor), Martin Nichols (bass sackbutt), Nigel North (bass viol), Gillian Reid (chimes bells, harp with "bray" pins, psaltery), Mary Remnant (gittern), Jane Ryan (bass viol), Eleanor Sloan (lyre, fiddle, treble rebec, violin), Malcolm Smith (natural trumpet), Robert Spencer (bandora, chitarrone, guitar, lute), John Turner (alto flute, panpipes, bass rackett, bass recorder, soprano recorder), James Tyler (ceterone, citole, cittern, tenor crumhorn, bass flute, jew's harp, lute, long-necked lute, mandora, orpharion, soprano rauschpfeife, tenor recorder, tambourine, theorbo, vihuela, tenor viol), Polly Waterfied (violin), Iaan Wilson (buisine, cornett) David Munrow, dir.
Playing time: 51' 12" + 58' 12" = 1h 49' 24" Recording site and date: Abbey Road Studio [03, 04, 09/1973, 02/1974]; Rel.: 1976 (LP), 2007 (Virgin CD)
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Всего комментариев: 9
1. Родион Лирник (Лирник)   (02 Июня 12 06:45) [Материал]
Спасибо огромное! Но можно ли всю музыку давать также и в мр3 - формате, очень желательно!!!


8. Антон Иванович (anular)   (29 Мая 13 23:49) [Материал]
:D И хорошо бы, но мало кто качает и flac и mp3. Следовательно, срок открытого доступа к каждому архиву в среднем уменьшится вдвое, спасибо "недержанию" файлообменников.

2. Любовь Никитина (музыконевед)   (02 Июня 12 09:44) [Материал]
Спасибо! ;)

4. Денис Коротков (ltybc251276)   (02 Июня 12 12:57) [Материал]
Да не за что... Приятно поделиться :)

3. alex sidmak (sidmak)   (02 Июня 12 11:12) [Материал]
Средневековья инструменты
Сошли с полотен и гравюр.
И их звучанья возрожденье
Воспринимается, как сюрр! :)


5. максим (amor)   (02 Июня 12 14:29) [Материал]
огромное спасибо! appl appl appl

6. (calevala)   (02 Июня 12 20:20) [Материал]
Большое спасибо! appl appl appl bravo bravo bravo

7. Денис Коротков (ltybc251276)   (29 Мая 13 01:27) [Материал]
Восстановлено: http://files.mail.ru/9332E26C2E3141CF968A120DC53C356D

9. Сильвио (komponist)   (30 Мая 13 04:50) [Материал]
bravo choir choir bravo

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