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«  Апрель 2013  »

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Главная страница » 2013 » Апрель » 17 » C.BOND, J.CLARKE, R.MUDGE, Труба: Морис Андре, Дирижёр: Пьер Коломбо, 1955
C.BOND, J.CLARKE, R.MUDGE, Труба: Морис Андре, Дирижёр: Пьер Коломбо, 1955

Теги: Maurice ANDRÉ, Pierre Colombo, Мори́с Андре́, Пьер Коломбо

Композитор: Capel BOND, Jeremiah CLARKE, Richard MUDGE

Дирижёр: Пьер Коломбо / Pierre COLOMBO
Труба: Морис Андре / Maurice ANDRÉ

Capel BOND, Concerto No 1 in D Major for trumpet and strings, Maurice ANDRÉ, Ensemble Orchestral de l'Oiseau-Lyre, Pierre COLOMBO, 1955
1. Con spirito 02:04, 2. Adagio - Allegro 03:10, 3. Larghetto 02:37
LONDON Editions de l'Oiseau-Lyre Records OL 50137, TT 373-IB, TT 374-IB

more, on french/english
(with alternative download rapidshare and filefactory): http://www.renegagnaux.ch/458378/462178.html

Мори́с Андре́ / Maurice ANDRÉ: http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%90%D0%BD%D0%B4%D1%80%D0%B5,_%D0%9C%D0%BE%D1%80%D0%B8%D1%81

Компози́тор Capel BOND: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capel_Bond

Jeremiah CLARKE, Suite in D major "Suite de Clark", Maurice ANDRÉ, Ensemble Orchestral de l'Oiseau-Lyre, Pierre COLOMBO, 1955
1. Prelude. Duke of Gloster's March 01:52, 2. Minuet 01:20, 3. Cebell 01:07, 4. Rondeau, Prince of Denmark's March ("Trumpet Voluntary") 01:43, 5. Serenade 01:26, 6. Bourrée 01:06, 7. Écossaise 01:09, 8. Hornpipe 02:22, 9. Gigue 01:24
LONDON Editions de l'Oiseau-Lyre Records OL 50137, TT 373-IB, TT 374-IB

more, on french/english
(with alternative download rapidshare and filefactory): http://www.renegagnaux.ch/458378/460378.html

Компози́тор Джеремайя Кларк / Jeremiah CLARKE: http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%9A%D0%BB%D0%B0%D1%80%D0%BA,_%D0%98%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%B5%D0%BC%D0%B8%D1%8F

Richard MUDGE, Concerto in D Major for trumpet and strings, Maurice ANDRÉ, Ensemble Orchestral de l'Oiseau-Lyre, Pierre COLOMBO, 1955
1. Vivace 03:37, 2. Allegro 03:06, 3. Larghetto 04:00
LONDON Editions de l'Oiseau-Lyre Records OL 50137

more, on french/english
(with alternative download rapidshare and filefactory): http://www.renegagnaux.ch/458378/458399.html

Компози́тор Richard MUDGE: The Rev. Richard Mudge was a member of a distinguished family. One of his brothers was Thomas Mudge, the famous horologist or clock-maker, another was John, a celebrated surgeon. Their father was the Rev. Zachariah Mudge, prebendary of Exeter, and friend of Dr. Johnson, whilst some of the younger nephews became eminent in the services. Richard won little fame in his own lifetime; the great histories of music passed him by unmentioned, and on the title page of his one surviving work he is simply described as "Mr. Mudge". But there is little doubt that he was the Richard Mudge who was born at Bideford in 1718, went to Pembroke College, Oxford in 1735, was curate of Great Packington, near Birmingham from 1741-1756, and finally became rector of Bedworth, Warwickshire, under the patronage of the Earl of Aylesford, who was a friend of Handel's. Mudge died in 1763, in obscurity, having published only one musical work, his "Six Concertos in seven parts ... to which is added a Non Nobis Domine in 8 parts", issued in 1749, whilst he was still only a curate at Packington. But although his musical output was small, it was of unusually high quality; Mudge's Concertos can stand comparison even with those of Handel himself, and his "Non Nobis Domine" is unique, for eighteenth century England, in seeming to hark back to the much earlier days of "grave and solemn fancys". Mudge obviously inherited his share of the family intellect, along with a creative musical gift of a high order. But as a "dilettante composer" he probably met with little or no encouragement, either within the profession or without - who can forget old Handel's rough rejoinder about another clerical composer: "A parson make concerto! Why he no make sermon?" Mudge's solitary trumpet concerto here recorded (No. 1 of the set of six concertos for various instruments) is of the French overture type so popular in England throughout the eighteenth century. A pompous, splendid opening ushers in a fugato, closely wrought, with an elaborate part for the solo trumpet, and then the work ends with a slow air in triple time. (excerpt text backside LP cover)

ONE ZIP file with THREE ZIP files

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Всего комментариев: 5
1. Сильвио (komponist)   (17 Апреля 13 21:33) [Материал]
I've got half a dozen of André's LPs, but I've never even heard about this (early) one! Thanks!

2. Taras V. (little_listener)   (17 Апреля 13 21:54) [Материал]
Thank you, these records are very interesting.
bravo bravo bravo

3. (MuseeMusical)   (17 Апреля 13 23:09) [Материал]
This is one of the first classical LPs with Maurice André, one of the jewels of my LPs collection!
I had the joy of knowing him personally: Maurice André was an extraordinary musician, with an extraordinary charisma.

4. Дмитрий (Peir)   (19 Апреля 13 10:19) [Материал]
Thank you!
bravo bravo bravo

5. Виталий Кассис (Cassis)   (10 Июня 13 23:53) [Материал]
Как то я пропустил, редчайшая музыка, 1955 год! Немыслимо. bravo

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