1. Come nave in mezzo all'onde* [Siface] from Act II of Siface 2. Profezie, di me diceste* [Sedecia] from Sedecia 3. Cadrò, ma qual si mira* [Demetrio] from Berenice 4. Parto, ti lascio, o cara* [Arminio] from Act II of Germanico in Germania 5. Usignolo sventurato* [Siface] from Act II of Siface 6. Misero pargoletto* [Timante] from Act III of Demofoonte 7. In braccio a mille furie* [Mirteo] from Act III of Semiramide riconosciuta 8. Qual farfalla* [Decio] from Act II of Zenobia in Palmira 9. Nobil onda [Adelaide] from Adelaide 10. Deh, tu bel Dio d'amore ... Ov`è il mio bene?* [Farnaspe] from Act II of Adriano in Siria 11. Chi temea Giove regnante* [Berenice] from Farnac 12. Quel buon pastor son io [Abel] from Act I of La Morte d'Abel 13. Son qual nave [Arbace] from Act III of Artaserse (Pasticcio) 14. Ombra mai fu [Serse] from Act I of Serse 15. Sposa, non mi conosci [Epitide] from Act III of Merope
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