Trio-Sonates: núm. 29 en Sol. major · núm. 2a en re. menor · núm. 4 en Fa. major · núm. 15 en Sol. major · núm. 16 en la. menor · núm. 13 en Do. major · núm. 12 en Sol. major
Jordi Argelaga (гобой, блокфлейта) · Jordi Colomer (блокфлейта) Jordi Comellas (виола да гамба) · Madrona Elias (клавесин)
Barcelona Consort
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This Sonata en Trio is the second work in a series of six appeared
in London during the second half of the 18th century. The only known copy
is preserved at the British Library, giving year 1770 as the probable date
of composition. This copy appears to was assembled with other Trios by
authors like Haydn, Nardini, Fils, Punto, Giordani and Juan Oliver Astorga;
this fact contributes to reconstructing the musical atmosphere evolving the
Pla brothers outputs. These brothers Joan, Josep and Manuel
were three oboists who were famous in his epoch. This Trio is attributed to
Josep even though this fact has not been completely confirmed.
The three Pla brothers, Joan, Josep and Manuel, were famous oboe players
performing during the mid-eighteenth century and, as it was the custom
of the day, they composed the works they played while touring. Unlike
Oliver Astorga, they did not seek security in the support of the
aristocracy, preferring some sort of free-lance activity. Joan and Josep
regularly toured Portugal, England, France, Italy and Germany.
The three brothers usually composed their works together until Josep Pla
died in Stuttgart in 1762. This is probably the case of this trio in
G-major, published in London around 1770 as a First Set, which was
created for two Hoboys & a Bass or two Violins, German Flutes and
Bass. This version has been performed with two іvoice flutesІ, a variant
of the recorder, which adopts the texture of the flute. The Pla№s trios
escape the conventional topics of the gallant music of the time and
attain a very personal originality and intensity, as is the work
performed in this recording.
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