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«  Август 2010  »

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Главная страница » 2010 » Август » 11 » Франсиско Хавьер (Франциск Ксаверий): Путь на Восток. La Capella Reial de Catalunya, Hesperion XXI, Жорди Саваль
Франсиско Хавьер (Франциск Ксаверий): Путь на Восток. La Capella Reial de Catalunya, Hesperion XXI, Жорди Саваль

Теги: Savall, Саваль

Francisco Javier (1506-1553): La Rutade Oriente (The Route to the Orient)
Pedro de Escobar, Juan del Encina, Claude de Sermisy, Francisco de la Torre,
Heinrich Isaac, Christopher Tye, Cristobal de Morales, Luis de Narvaez, Juan Ponce
La Capella Reial de Catalunya, Hesperion XXI, Jordi Savall


CD1 Europe in the Age of Humanism
    I. Birth and youth of Francis Xavier
01. [Anonymous] Alba & Rotundellus  2:22
    1506 Francis Xavier is born at the Castle of Xavier (Navarre)
02. [P. de Escobar] Villancico: Virgen Bendita  3:39
    1509 Erasmus wrote his "Praise of Folly", dedicated to Thomas More
03. [Anonymous] Consort XXI  1:47
    1512 Ferdinand II conquers Navarre and takes it from the French
04. [J. Ponce] Villancico: Francia, cuenta tu ganancia  2:54
    II. Youth of Francis Xavier
    1513 Machiavelli writes "The Prince"
05. [Anonymous] Paduana & Saltarello  3:00
    1516 Death of Ferdinand II of Catalonia-Aragon
06. [Anonymous] Villancico: Dios te salve, Cruz preciosa  4:46
    Thomas More publishes his "Utopia"
07. [J. Lloyd] Puzzle-canon I  2:35
    1517 Luther nails his 95 theses to the church door of Wittenberg Castle
08. [H. Isaac] Song: O Welt, Ich muss dich lassen  2:51
    III. Studies at the University of Paris (1525-1536)
    1525 Battle of Pavia. Journey to Paris
09. Pavana "La Bataglia"  2:06
    1528 Graduates from university. Meets Ignatius Loyola
10. [Cl. Sermisy] Benedic Anima mea  3:11
    1534 Conversion of Francis Xavier
11. Psalterio (improvisation)  0:36
12. O Gloriosa Domina I (Gregorian)  0:36
13. [Venegas de Henestrosa] Himno XX O Gloriosa Domina  1:47
14. Quod Eva tristis (Gregorian II)  0:38
15. [L. de Narvaez] Diferencia II O Gloriosa Domina  0:58
16. Tu regis alti ianua (Gregorian III)  0:39
17. Improvisation (Psalterium)  0:27
    1535 Henry VIII breaks with Rome and orders the execution of Thomas More
18. [Ch. Tye] In Nomine Seldom sene  2:08
    Francis Xavier takes his first vows
19. [Anonymous] Villancico: Adoramus te Senor  3:33
    IV. Italy and the Foundation of the Society of Jesus
    1536 Journey to Basel, Lake Constance and Venice
20. [H. Isaac] Benedictus (a 3)  2:29
21. [Anonymous] Saltarello  1:08
    1540 Pope Paul III approves the Society of Jesus (Bull Regimini Militantis Ecclesia)
22. [C. de Morales] Sanctus (Messa "Mille regrets")  3:31
    Francis Xavier is appointed Apostolic Nuncio in the East
23. [J. del Encina] Villancico: Pues que tu, Reyna del Cielo  3:30
    V. From Lisbon to Africa and India
    1541 From Lisbon to Cape Verde, Guinea and Mozambique
24. Percussions from Africa(Dir. Lahoucine Baquir)  2:23
25. Impressions. Driss El Maloumi (Oud)  4:24
    1542 Arrival in Goa. Portuguese India
26. [Anonymous] Villancico: Senhora del Mundo  5:16
    1547-49 Missions in Malacca and the Moluccas
27. O Gloriosa Domina I (Gregorian)  1:56
28. Raga on O Gloriosa Domina  10:18

CD2 Arrival in Japan
    VI. A new world of culture. Arrival in Japan
    1549 Arrival in the city of Kagoshima
01. Shino no netori (shinobue)  3:47
    Death of Pope Paul III
02. [C. de Morales] Invitatorium: Regem cui  13:07
    1550 Journey to the Imperial Court of Miyako (Kyoto)
03. Honnoji (biwa & voice)  10:38
    1551 Sojourn in Yamaguchi and apostolate (Manuale ad Sacramenta)
    O Gloriosa Domina (Oratio Christianorum Ocultorum)
04. Psalterium (impro.) O Gloriosa Domina I  1:14
05. O Gloriosa (shakuhashi)  2:04
06. Quod Eva tristis II  0:38
07. Improvisation I (biwa & shinobue)  1:58
08. Tu regis alti ianua III  0:39
09. Improvisation II (shakuhashi & biwa)  3:15
10. Patri sit Paraclito IV  0:40
11. O Gloriosa (biwa)  1:38
12. O Gloriosa Domina - Amen  0:52
    1551 Journey to the kingdom of Bungo
13. Reibo (shakuhachi)  10:50
    1551 November Departure from Japan,
   leaving behind a community of some 2000 Christians
14. [F. de la Torre] Villancico: Adoramus te Domine  3:57
    VII. Approaching the Closed Gates of China 
    1552 Returns to Goa. Journey to Malacca, Cochin and Singapore, en route to China
15. Improv. Senhora del Mundo (tablas & sarod)  2:42
    1552 July Arrival in Sancian
16. Improvisation  0:59
17. O Gloriosa Domina Diferencia I (vihuela)  1:15
    1553 Dies on 3rd December off the coast of China (Island of Sancian)
18. [C. de Morales] In Secundo Nocturno "Ne Recorderis"  5:01
    1554 His body is taken first to Malacca and then to Goa
19. Fantasia (Instrumental March)  1:52
    1613 Japan breaks off all contact with the West
20. Rangyoku (nokan)  6:45
    The enduring testament of Francis Xavier 
21. [Anonymous (China)] Ave Maria (pentatonic)  4:54

Total time: 75'43" + 78'56"

Musicos invitados
Driss El Maloumi (oud)
Lahoucine Baquir (percusion)
Ken Zuckerman (sarod)
Prahbu Edouart (tablas)
Hiroyuki Koinuma (shinobue & nokan)
Yukio Tanaka (canto & biwa)
Ichiro Seki (shakuhachi)
Masako Hirao (viola de gamba tenor)

Montserrat Figueras (soprano)

La Capella Reial de Catalunya
Henar Alvarez, Ana Huete, Arianna Savall, Elisabeta Tiso (sopranos)
Pascal Bertin, Carlos Mena, Josep Hernandez, David Sagastume (contratenores)
Lambert Climent, Lluis Vilamajo, Francesc Garrigosa (tenores)
Carlos Lopez, Jordi Ricart (baritonos)
Daniele Carnovich (bajo)

Hesperion XXI
Begona Olavide (psalterio)
Xavier Diaz-Latorre (vihuela)
Pierre Hamon (flautas)
Beatrice Delpierre (chirimia)
Jordi Savall (viola de gamba soprano)
Sergi Casademunt (viola de gamba tenor)
Fahmi Alqhai, Lorenz Duftschmid, Philippe Pierlot (viola de gamba bajo)
Jean Pierre Canihac, Lluis Coll (cornetto)
Elies Hernandis, Daniel Lassalle (sacabuche tenor)
Jean-Noel Catrice (bajoncillo)
Josep BorrЁ¤s, Carles Cristobal (dulcian)
Luca Guglielmi (organo di legno)
Pedro Estevan, David Mayoral, Dimitri Psonis (percusion)
dir. Jordi Savall

Grabacion: Diciembre 2006, febrero, marzo, abril y julio de 2007, Colegiata de Cardona (Cataluсa) y Abadia de Fontfroide (Francia)

(FLAC, tracks, cover, 370+355 MB)
(MP3, vbr ~245 kbps V0, 262 MB)
pass: LaRutadeOrienteSavall

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1. (FANART)   (18 Сентября 10 12:31) [Материал]
Спасибо Вита! bravo bravo bravo

2. (florentia)   (22 Июля 11 14:51) [Материал]
Замечательное исполнение! Замечательная музыка! Спасибо!!! appl

3. Tabosa do Brasil snephiro (snephiro)   (08 Октября 12 02:30) [Материал]
Notável desempenho! Música maravilhosa! Obrigado!
Спасибо!!! good ............................ hands

4. (peterarkadiev)   (26 Февраля 20 15:54) [Материал]

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