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«  Июль 2009  »

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Главная страница » 2009 » Июль » 2 » "Флейта при дворе Фридриха Великого". Бенда, Кванц, Фридрих Великий. Исп. Ж.-П. Рампаль (флейта), Paris Orchestral Ensemble.
"Флейта при дворе Фридриха Великого". Бенда, Кванц, Фридрих Великий. Исп. Ж.-П. Рампаль (флейта), Paris Orchestral Ensemble.

Теги: флейта, Бенда, Кванц, Рампаль, Rampal, Фридрих

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"A marvelously vivid recording that matches the freshness and immediacy of the music.

The King's strength as a performer is said to have been in Adagios (though there is evidence enough that this did not betoken lack of finger dexterity), and his own piece on this pleasant record is well able to hold its own with many another wind concerto of the day. This may tell us something about what was then a genuine musical vernacular; but such arguments aside, one can take pleasure in observing the contrast, one at the same time separating and unifying, between Frederick and his two companion composers. Quantz's Concerto is a nice, brisk piece with no nonsense about it. Rampal, with his particular gift for eighteenth-century flute music, deals with it admirably, pointing its highlights, touching on its bright rhythms without affectation, gracefully outlining the slow movement's melody without overstating claims. However, Benda's work shows what the differences are between a gifted amateur, a gifted professional and a composer of real individuality all working within the same idiom. The opening Allegro con brio has real brio, with an undercurrent of tensions that are present in another way in the warm, heartfelt Adagio un poco Andante; the finale is a little more conventional, but makes a bright ending to a most attractive work. No wonder poor Fritz preferred this civilized and humane discourse to the military ravings of his tyrannical father.

The recording matches the freshness and immediacy of the music. Rampal is set close, but the sound is marvellously vivid, and the subtle range of his tonguings in particular is caught as an expressive part of the music. The accompaniments are doubtless influenced by Rampal's own long experience in music of this period: they are as crisp and intelligent as his own playing."

Содержание диска:

Concerto for Flute in E minor by Franz Benda
Jean-Pierre Rampal (флейта), Paris Orchestral Ensemble
Дирижер: Jean-Pierre Wallez
Paris Orchestral Ensemble
Написано в Богемии.

Concerto for Flute in C minor by Johann Joachim Quantz
Jean-Pierre Rampal (флейта), Paris Orchestral Ensemble
Дирижер: Jean-Pierre Wallez
Paris Orchestral Ensemble

Concerto for Flute in D major: Adagio by Frederick the Great
Jean-Pierre Rampal (флейта), Paris Orchestral Ensemble
Дирижер: Jean-Pierre Wallez
Paris Orchestral Ensemble

Время звучания: 47:27
Запись 1987 г.

mp3 / 128 kbps / 43 Mb


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Всего комментариев: 3
1. pochitatel (kubra)   (02 Июля 09 18:57) [Материал]
Спасибо. Картинку с обложкой диска убрал, ибо на ней изображён логотип фирмы-производителя.

А флейту короля Фридриха видел лично во дворце Сан-Сусси в Потсдаме. flute :)

2. Виталий Кассис (Cassis)   (03 Июля 09 00:35) [Материал]
Концерт Бенды мне очень напомнил флейтовый-клавесинный К.Ф.Э. Баха, очень близки по духу, ИМХО, Кванц, как всегда на высоте, ну и старый Фриц не подкачал, исполнение такое динамичное. Помнится в серии Наксос был целый концерт Фридриха. Спасибо!!! appl appl appl

3. (FANART)   (03 Июля 10 22:55) [Материал]
Спасибо! bravo bravo bravo

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