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Текущая дата: Понедельник, 20 Января 25, 08:24
Главная страница » "Неформат" » Музыка (аудио) » Пасхальная месса школы Нотр Дам. Ensemble Schola Cantorum Basiliensis
Пасхальная месса школы Нотр Дам. Ensemble Schola Cantorum Basiliensis

Easter Mass from Notre Dame
de Paris
. Easter Play from Fleury

Ensemble Schola Cantorum Basiliensis
Christopher Schmidt, Thomas Binkley

2 CDs, flac, cue, scans

*  *  *  *  *  *  *

Visitatio Sepulchri

1. Ad faciendam

Missa in Domenica Resurrectionis

2. Processional Song (Conductus) "Rex omnipotentiae"
3. Introduction "Alelluia! Ad sepulchrum"
4. Introitus "Resurrexi et adhuc tecum sum"
5. Kyrie "Cunctipotens genitor" 6. Gloria
7. (Dominus vobiscum). Oratio "Oremus: Deus, qui hodierna"
8. Conductus "Haec est dies triumphalis" 9. Epistel (1. Cor. 5, 7-8)
10. Benedictio "Benedicite: Benedictus tu et sermonis tui"
11. Graduale "Haec Dies"

Missa in Domenica Ressurrectionis

1. Alleluia 2. Sequence "Victimae paschali"
3. Conductus "Resurgente Domino"
4. Benedictio "Jube Domine benedicere"
5. Evangelium (Marc. 16, 1-7) 6. Credo 7. Dominus vobiscum
8. Offertorium (Ps. 75, 9-10) "Terra tremuit et quievit"
9. Praefatio"Vere dignum et iustum est"
10. Sanctus "Sanctus, Christe yerarchia"
11. Pater Noster 12. Agnus Dei
13. Communio"Pascha nostrum immolatus"
14. Postcommunio"Dominus vobiscum"
15. Ite, Missa est

422 Mb, flac, cue, scans
password: God.was.here

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Всего комментариев: 15
1. Krystek Hübner (Krystek)   (16 Марта 15 14:25) [Материал]
Thank You so much! My Easter shall become this year surely unforgettable thanks to Your magnanimous kindness.

"For all participants, performers as well as the congregation, the scenic and musical presentation of the Resurrection of Christ (...) was more than just a portrayal of the Bible text. It is a solidification and representation of the process of salvation, by which everyone is able to once again experience certainty about their own resurrection and God's close proximity. The Visitatio sepulchri is therefore not only a ludus, something that is «played», but also a movement towards the process of salvation, one brought about by the place and time of day, by the performers and the songs." (from booklet, p. 12)

3. Алексей Годяев (Годяев)   (17 Марта 15 02:35) [Материал]
You are welcome. I'll be glad to help you if I can.

2. Сильвио (komponist)   (16 Марта 15 18:04) [Материал]
appl bravo appl

4. Алексей Годяев (Годяев)   (17 Марта 15 02:35) [Материал]

5. Taras V. (little_listener)   (17 Марта 15 08:52) [Материал]
Спасибо appl appl appl

6. Taras V. (little_listener)   (17 Марта 15 09:25) [Материал]
В последнее время Заливалка часто "недодаёт" архивы. Скачивал дважды, размер архива получался одинаковым, и оба раза "неожиданный конец архива". К счастью, файлы с музыкой разархивировались нормально. Сканы получились не все.

7. Krystek Hübner (Krystek)   (17 Марта 15 10:41) [Материал]
@Taras, I downloaded the archive without any issue at first time and booklet was incomplete anyway. There was but eight scans including front, back, tracklist and credits page, as well like complete English description of Easter Play from Fleury. No lyrics nor German/French translations included.

8. Taras V. (little_listener)   (17 Марта 15 11:21) [Материал]
Krystek, thank you for the information about the content of the archive. I have extracted only six scans from the archive including covers and some pages of the booklet. Anyway it is not a big problem to me.

9. Taras V. (little_listener)   (17 Марта 15 12:37) [Материал]
Из спортивного интереса попробовал скачивать разными браузерами: Эксплорером, Файрфоксом, Хромом и Оперой. Результат один -- "неожиданный конец архива" pardon

10. Krystek Hübner (Krystek)   (17 Марта 15 21:43) [Материал]
I was curious whence I checked it up one more time, and You are right, there is really something wrong with Aleksey Godyaev's link. The archive cannot be downloaded completely anymore, it seems like it would abort downloading every single time downloading but 420,88 out of 422,23 MB of the original file. Nevertheless, I believe I did not obtain similar issue yesterday, when I took it at first time, although I cannot be completely sure, since I deleted the original archive. However, like I said before, there was eight images and logs of both discs inside the folder with scans, and CueTools says that both CDs are accurately ripped. Wherefore one can almost positively conclude that I was lucky enough to download the archive in its complete form. And since I imagine that for You, or for other users to obtain this album may be as important as it was to me, I just re-uploaded the flac + scans via Mediafire. The new archive includes also recovery record and CueTools/auCDtect logs.


11. Taras V. (little_listener)   (17 Марта 15 22:27) [Материал]
Dear Krystek, thank you very much for the link to the complete archive aiwan-hi
So, it seems that files have uploaded via Zalivalka become corrupt with the lapse of time.

12. Александр (alexandr_p)   (18 Марта 15 11:19) [Материал]

13. Алексей Годяев (Годяев)   (18 Марта 15 21:00) [Материал]
Всем пожалуйста.
Начало обложки (если читать с левого верхнего угла), было пустым. Увы...
Сменил ссылку.

14. Krystek Hübner (Krystek)   (19 Марта 15 14:34) [Материал]
Ещё раз огромное спасибо, Сэр.

15. Сильвио (komponist)   (19 Марта 15 16:34) [Материал]
Присоединяюсь! У меня тоже сканы по предыдущей ссылке скачались лишь частично. СПАСИБО!

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