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Эдуард Николаевич Артемьев (Eduard Artemiev)
Книга впечатлений (A Book of Impressions)
1. Out There, Where (1988) 2. I'd Like To Return (1993) 3. Ritual (1991) 4. Three Regards On Revolution (1987) 5. Touch To The Mistery (1993) 6. In The Nets Of Time (1993) 7. Noospere (1975) 8. Mirage (1976) 9. Intangible (1996) 10. Peregrini (1976)
Три оды (Three Odes)
1. ODE №1 Ode to the Herald Of Good - A Torch 2. Herald of Good 3. Harmony of the World 4. Sport - You are a Perpetual Progress 5. A Beauty of the Earth 6. Appeal 7. a) Interlude b) Sport - You are a Peace 8. ODE №2 Phantom from Mongolia 9. ODE №3 There & Here (Terzetto)
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