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«  Август 2015  »

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Главная страница » 2015 » Август » 5 » Самуэль Каприкорнус 1628 -1665
Самуэль Каприкорнус 1628 -1665
Samuel Capricornus
/1628 -1665/
OPUS MUSICUM Výběr / A Selection
1. Dixit Dominus    3:23
2. Amor tuus in nos    4:47
3. O venerabile sacramentum    3:54
4. Venite ad me omnes    5:21
5. Ecce quomodo moritur Justus    3:59
6. Justorum animae                      2:17
7. Magnificat    4:12
Missa I
8. Kyrie    4:05
9. Gloria  9:24
10. Credo  11:05
11. Sanctus - Benedictus 3:09
12. Agnus Dei 2:14

Spievané v latinčine   
Sung in Latin   

Realizácia / Realization DR. RICHARD RYBAŘÍC                                      ,,
Skladby č. 2,4,6,8 boli vydané v Čs. hudobnom vydavatelstva OPUS /edícia Stará hudba na Slovensku, zv. I,II/ v roku 1977 a 1979. The compositions Nos. 2,4,6,8 were published in the Records and Publishing House OPUS /edition Old Slovak Music, Vol. I,II/ in the years 1977 and 1979.
Sólisti / Soloists
Milada Cechalová, soprán/Soprano (1,2,5,6,7,8)
Milada Čejková, soprán/Soprano (1,4,5,6,7,8)
Eva Matějková, alt/Alto (1,3,6,7,8)
Agáta Čakrtová, alt/Alto (2,3,4,5,6,8)
Richard Sporka, tenor/Tenor (1,5,7,8)
Vladimír Doležal, tenor/Tenor (1,4,7,8)
Jiří Bíba, basi/Bass (l, 7,8)
Vratislav Vinický, bas/Bass (1,5,7,8)
Zdeněk Šedivý, trúbka/Trumpet (3,8)
Jiří Šedivý, trubka/Trumpet (3)
Miroslav Kejmar, trubka/Trumpet (8)
Petr Maceček, husle/Violin (2,4,8)
Jiří Hurník, husle/Violin (2,4,8)
Petr Hejny, violončelo/Violoncello (1-8)
Aleš Bárta, organ/Organ (1-8)
Pražskí madrigalisti Prague Madrigal Singers
Umělecký vedúci a dirigent Artistic Director and Conductor Svatopluk Jányš
The collection Opus Musicum is a selection out of more than one hundred pieces written by Samuel Capricornus/1628- 1665/. This composer is considered in specialized literature one of the most influential personalities of the Austrian-South German baroque. He composed these pieces during his ten-year activity in Bratislava, the capital and coronation city of the former kingdom of Hungary.
Little is known about Capricornus's youth. In older German literature the name Bockshorn is mentioned but does not appear in any contemporary documents. Capricornus was born in Žerčice near Mladá Boleslav as the son of a protestant clergyman. After the defeat of the Czech estates near the White Mountain the family had to emigrate to Silesia. In 1647 the twelve-year-old Capricornus was alumnus and member of a choir in Sopron. According to his obituary. Cap-ricornus was also a member of the Viennese imperial court orchestra which, however, has not been verified by documents. The assumption widely held until recently that Capricornus had come to Bratislava around 165(1 is most probably incorrect. More likely he came to this city as early as 1647 and took the position of a tutor in the family of the rich townsman Raygcr. From spring 1651 he worked as a teacher at the Latin School and so-called director musices of the choir at the first Evangelical Cathedral in Bratislava consecrated in 1638. He held this post most successfully till April 1657 when he left for Stuttgart to become kapellmeister of the court orchestra of the Prince of Wurttemberg where he remained till his death. Capricornus has thus progressed through all stages on the social ladder of a baroque musician: from a singer, choir master and kapellmeister up to the prestigious position of a court conductor and composer. No doubt, Capricornus ranked in his lifetime among the famous musicians of that time.
Samuel Capricornus was an unusually active, dynamic and gifted artist. It was in Bratislava where he made a name for himself and gained social prestige. Here he directed the dramaturgy toward Italian works, but mainly toward the likewise strongly Italianized Austrian and German style. Yet Capricornus was not one-sided; he strove to have all valuable major European compositions performed in Bratislava, such as the works of Michael Praetorius, Heinrich Schútz, Johann H. Scheine and Andreas Hammerschmidt. He also introduced compositions of Giovanni Gabrieli, Lodovico Viadana, Giacomo Carissimi, as well as masses by Claudio Monteverdi for the first time. His favourite composers, however, remained, as he himself admitted, Giovanni Valentini and Antonio Bertali, two kapellmeisters of the Viennese court orchestra, one of the most authoritative and influential musical institutions in 17th century Europe.
Opus Musicum is Capricornus's first printed work (published in Nuremberg in 1655). It comprises twenty-two pieces on Latin liturgical and sacred texts, their actual connection with liturgy being rather loose. Compositionally, fourteen pieces are written in so-called stile concertante. They are intended for large many-voiced vocal and instrumental ensembles. The remaining pieces have chamber setting and are written for solo voice or duetto and terzetto with the accompaniment of an organ or a small instrumental group, usually two violins. They are intimate, lyrical and meditative compositions. Whereas in his earlier pieces the Latin text served solely ceremonial purposes, here the Latin words are a pretence to express personal feelings and emotions. The essence of Capricornus's music is polyphony and counterpoint, the alternation of solo and choral parts, of homophonic and polyphonic sections, of fast and slow, dramatic and meditative movements. His mass with emphasized wind instruments /two clarinos and three trombones/ almost resembles the festive mass con irombe e lympani, popular particularly in Vienna. The Dixit and Magnificat for seven voices with the accom-paniment of two violins and organ are written in stile concertante while the heartfelt funeral music Ecce quomodo moritur Justus is accompanied by the subdued sound of four violas. The remaining pieces are small cantatas or arias.
Opus Musicum has no doubt established Capricornus's fame. Heinrich Schútz designated the compositions of this collection as opera virtuosa, and his rival Giacomo Carissimi had some of Capricornus's works performed in Rome, however paradoxical this may sound. In Bratislava, Capricornus's music lived on for a long time, in spite of greatly changed circumstances caused by the ruthless re-catholization after 1672. Opus Musicum could still be found in the music inventory of the St. Martin's Cathedral in Bratislava until the year 1700. The work appears also in Prešov, Levoča and Bardejov. Capricornus's music found its way also to Moravia and Transylvania and there are copies of the Opus Musicum in Vienna and Paris. By its quality and importance it must be counted among the leading European compositions, demonstrating the high standard of musical and cultural life in Bratislava of that time.
The Prague Madrigal Singers, a vocal and instrumental chamber ensemble, was founded by Professor Miroslav Venhoda in 1956 and named New Singers of Madrigals and Chamber Music. In 1967, the ensemble acquired professional status and assumed a new name. In 1976 it was detached from the National Museum and became affiliated with the Czech Philharmonic Orchestra. It comprises thirteen singers and musicians, including its art director Svatopluk Jányš /from 1981/. Its repertoire contains primarily medieval, Renaissance, Baroque and contemporary music. The Prague Madrigal Singers recorded about sixty LPs, many of them having won various prizes /three times the Grand Prix du Disque de I'Aca-démie Charles Cross, Grand Prix des Discophiles Belgiques, Edison Classique Amsterodam, L'Orphe d'Or de Paris Academie du Disque Lyrique, twice Annual Awards and Golden Records of Supraphon/. The ensemble ranks among the regular participants in major Czechoslovak cultural events and has also performed with great success in several European countries, the U.S. A., and Canada.
Recorded in the House of Artists, Prague. September 1985.

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Всего комментариев: 11
1. Дмитрий (DemetriusZ)   (10 Июля 10 11:14) [Материал]
mvd23 - Вы прямо мои мысли читаете, хотел спросить у Вас про это исполнение Каприкорнуса, и вот оно, правда с винила, ни и это хорошо. Французские исполнения совсем не такие как у Prague Madrigal Singers, блеклые и не интересные.
Я уже более 3-лет пытаюсь найти CD вариант этого диска, но бeзуспешно... :'(
В осле лежит битый вариант, читаются только 2 с половиной первых трека, могу их выложить, ape-формат как никак.

2. Дмитрий (DemetriusZ)   (10 Июля 10 11:20) [Материал]
Пользуясь случаем хочу Вас попросить сохранять файлы Open Office формата odt в формате Microsoft Word - doc или rtf

4. Вячеслав (mvd23)   (10 Июля 10 11:52) [Материал]
Учту Ваши пожелания, это не трудно.

3. Дмитрий (DemetriusZ)   (10 Июля 10 11:46) [Материал]
Вот ссылка на первые два с половиной трека в ape

5. Вячеслав (mvd23)   (10 Июля 10 11:52) [Материал]
Спасибо, посмотрю, тоже неплохо будет иметь такое.

6. alex sidmak (sidmak)   (10 Мая 12 19:39) [Материал]
И у меня винильчик есть,
И даже Мессы партитура.
Теперь вот будет на CD.
А то игла шипит. Халтура! :)


7. Сергей Федорович (sergfv)   (05 Августа 15 17:28) [Материал]

8. Денис (denis_kutalyov)   (08 Августа 15 01:44) [Материал]

9. Сильвио (komponist)   (08 Августа 15 07:40) [Материал]
bravo bravo bravo

10. Boris Andonovski (curumo)   (08 Августа 15 12:28) [Материал]
Спасибо DemetriusZ!

11. (peterarkadiev)   (11 Февраля 24 16:56) [Материал]

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