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Главная страница » 2020 » Декабрь » 24 » Пьер Бартоломе: Композиции 1970-1985 гг
Пьер Бартоломе: Композиции 1970-1985 гг

Теги: Gielen, Ensemble Musique Nouvelle, Бартоломе, Octors, Bartholomee

Pierre Bartholomee: Annees 1970-1985 (2017)

01 Harmonique, for orchestra (1970)
02 3 poles intertwined (1985) - I. Toccata
03 3 poles intertwined (1985) - II. Ricercar
04 3 poles intertwined (1985) - III. Canzone
05 3 poles intertwined (1985) - IV. Ricercar, double
06 3 poles intertwined (1985) - V. Toccata, double
07 Fancy as a Ground, for ensemble (1981)
08 Ricercar, for saxophones quartet (1974)

01 Hr-Sinfonieorchester, Michael Gielen
02-07 Ensemble Musique Nouvelle, Georges-Elie Octors
08 Bl!ndman Saxophone Quartet

Pierre Bartholomée (b. 1937) | pierrebartholomee.com | evidenceclassics.com

Pierre Bartholomée was born in Brussels in 1937. After studying music at the Royal Conservatory there and a Beethoven training programme with Wilhelm Kempff in Italy, he began giving concerts, in particular for two pianos, with his wife, Francette, who is also a harpist. It was she who put him in contact with Henri Pousseur, and the encounter was decisive: together they founded the Musique Nouvelle ensemble. Henri Pousseur supported the work of the young composer whilst Musique Nouvelle explored a large repertoire and began to travel. A first piece 90 for large orchestra, Harmonique, was premiered in Brussels under the direction of Michael Gielen who played it again in Hamburg then in Frankfurt. Next came, fairly quickly, the time of the first conducting experiences. From 1977 to 1999, Pierre Bartholomée took on the dual function of artistic director and permanent conductor of the Liège Philharmonic Orchestra with which he would give numerous world premieres and tour Europe, America and Japan. From 1999 to 2001, Pierre Bartholomée was in residence at the Catholic University of Louvain where he created an interfacultary programme of musical writing and composed, in particular, an oratorio, Ludus Sapientiae, which was first performed by Jordi Savall. It was at that time that the OEdipe sur la route project was born. This first opera would be followed by two others: La Lumière Antigone (original libretto by Henry Bauchau – premiere at the Théâtre de la Monnaie, Brussels, in 2008 ; new production by the Nouvel Ensemble Contemporain in 2012) and Nous sommes éternels (libretto by Pierrette Fleutiaux and Jérôme Fronty – premiere scheduled for Metz in 2017). Pierre Bartholomée’s catalogue includes works for orchestra or ensemble, chamber music (two string quartets), songs and solo instrumental pieces.

Composer Pierre Bartholomée was also conductor. The art of combining instruments therefore has no secrets for him. The disc gathers works from the 1970s and 80s, and features remastered recordings and an unpublished score that has just been recorded during summer 2017: the opportunity to rediscover the interpretation of Michael Gielen at the head of the a magnificent Frankfurt radio orchestra in Harmonique, a piece inspired by extra-Western music. The richness of the timbral combinations gives the work a rhythmic density from which brilliant colors arise. Then, this orchestral effervescence leaves room for more transparency. The programme also features a more intimate piece by Pierre Bartholomée, his saxophone quartet entitled Ricercar. Considered too difficult in its time, the score had not been recorded. Bl!indman sax quartet has finally done it. The four musicians released it with ease and displayed its shimmering harmonies with a pleasure and a joy that make forget its formidable virtuosity.

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