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«  Апрель 2016  »

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Текущая дата: Среда, 29 Января 25, 23:36
Главная страница » 2016 » Апрель » 19 » Farkas / Фаркаш: The sly students (ballet)
Farkas / Фаркаш: The sly students (ballet)

Ferenc Farkas:

The sly students / Furfangos diákok / Die listigen Studenten

ballet in one act and 6 scenes
based on the novel by Mór Jókai

Choregraphy: Gyula Harangozò

The story

The director of Debrecen College, Professor Horvàth, intends his daughter, Ròzsika, to marry Jòzsi, the son of Mr Streber, the town treasurer.
However, the girl fancies Adàm, the poor student, as it turns out in the busy market place of the town where the boy gives the girl a present.
Wearing gowns, students enter the market place, and play a prank on form master Mr Jònàs who has fallen asleep whilst looking after his young pupils. Adàm pulls off one of the teacher’s boots, and the students dance away with it in the crowd.
His boot recovered, Mr Jònàs breaks into the room where the professors are buried in their books and are dropping off in the heat. The students are summoned, to call them to account for their pratical joke, and Jòzsi gives away Adàm, his rival. The culprit is sentenced to a lock-up. Adàm escapes from his cell to see Ròzsika watering flowers in their yard, and the couple dance merrily. However, Adàm must leave. Shortly the Streber family arrive to propose, but Ròzsika refuses Jòzsi’s hand. Swotting for his exams in the college student room, Jòzsi is drunk under the table in revenge by his fellow students, and the stoned boy is delivered in a comic funeral march to the Horvàths’house. Coming to, Jòzsi scandalously discredits himself in the courtyard, so nothing now can hinder the happiness of  the lovers.

Source: Hungarian TV M3 - ts (1,41 Gb)

Input Type : MP2V
Input Size : 720 x 576
Output Type : YV12
Output Size : 720 x 576
Decoder Type : GVC
FrameRate(Frame/sec) : 0.00 (25.00)

SampleRate(Sample/sec) : 48000
BitRate(Bit/sample) : 16
Channels : 2
KBitRate(KBit/sec) : 151




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