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«  Апрель 2011  »

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Текущая дата: Пятница, 07 Февраля 25, 23:14
Главная страница » 2011 » Апрель » 9 » BBC. Ховард Гудолл. Великие даты, документальный сериал, 2002 / BBC. Howard Goodall's Great Dates
BBC. Ховард Гудолл. Великие даты, документальный сериал, 2002 / BBC. Howard Goodall's Great Dates

Теги: MozArt, Palestrina, Wagner, Shostakovich

presented by composer Howard Goodall
Broadcast by Channel 4 in the UK September-October 2002
На английском языке.

Ховард Гудолл (род. в 1958) – британский композитор, автор и ведущий музыкальных теле- и радиопрограмм. В 2009 получил звание «Композитор года» от Classical BRIT Awards.

The four 50-minute programmes examine the years 1564, 1791, 1874 and 1937. This four-part series shows that great pieces of music are not freak accidents of genius but the direct products of their time, place, culture and politics.
Programme 1: 1874 – Wagner and the Ring Cycle
In 1874, Wagner finally completed his monumental opera cycle 'Ring of the Nibelung' – 25 years in the making. In that year, Germans were attempting to forge a national identity from their mythic past, and the rest of Europe was trying to cope with the implications of Darwin's 'Origin of Species' and Marx's 'Das Kapital'. Wagner's music had a grim legacy: the Nazis admired it for aesthetic reasons and for the composer's extreme racist views.

Programme 2: 1564 – Palestrina and the Rise of the Violin
The year is 1564 and Europe is still reeling from the effects of the Reformation. The sacred music of the two churches – Catholic and Protestant – was developing in completely different ways. Instrumental music was also rapidly gaining in importance – as was ballet, championed by Catherine de' Medici, Queen of France. From the violin, which dominated her dance bands, the orchestra would emerge.
О Палестрине на русском языке, например, http://belcanto.ru/palestrina.html

Programme 3: 1791 – Mozart and the Magic Flute
1791 was a year of great political change: Louis XVI was beheaded in France; the US Congress adopted the Bill of Rights and the Constitution; and the ideas of Rousseau and the Enlightenment were all pervasive. It was also the year in which Mozart wrote his enigmatic opera 'The Magic Flute' and his renowned Requiem – and then died. The mysterious circumstances surrounding the commissioning of the latter work led to the myth that the composer had been murdered.

Programme 4: 1937 – Shostakovich, Stalin and Hitler
In 1937, Fascism gripped Europe and Stalin's terror was at its height. There, composers had to square their consciences with the artistic requirements of totalitarian regimes. In Germany, the music of Kurt Weill was banned because he was Jewish, modern and left wing. While the Nazis were busy banning jazz, in the US, Duke Ellington, Count Basie and Billie Holiday were showing it to be the undisputed sound of the moment. And Shostakovich's towering 'Fifth Symphony' was being written at the height of Stalinist oppression.

AVI     4 x 700 MБ      4 x 00:48:58    

Качество: TVRip
Видео: DX50 (DivX 5), 1993 Кбит/c, 704 x 416, 16/9 , 25.00 fps
Аудио: MP3 (MPEG-1, Layer 3), 2 ch, 48 КГц, 128 Кбит/с

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