Ищу любые записи гениального саксофониста Марселя Муле - intoclassics.net - форум
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Ищу любые записи гениального саксофониста Марселя Муле
komponistДата: Четверг, 25 Июля 13, 23:02 | Сообщение # 1
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Марсель Муле был ведушим классическим саксофонистом (в основном, альт-саксофон) мира в 1930-1950-е гг. Много записывался на виниле, кое-что переиздано на CD. Его называли "Паганини саксофона". Прожил 100 с половиной лет (1901-2001). Буду благодарен за ЛЮБЫЕ его записи! Послушать пару вещей (Веллон и Ибер) в его исполнении можно здесь: http://intoclassics.net/news/2012-07-19-29061
davignonДата: Суббота, 27 Июля 13, 20:03 | Сообщение # 2
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I ordered for two albums on the label Clarinet Classics. Catalog numbers 0013/0021: "Le Patron of the Saxophone" and "Encore". I don't know when I'll get them - it's summer holiday and libraries work slower. Probably end next week

Сообщение отредактировал davignon - Суббота, 27 Июля 13, 20:09
komponistДата: Воскресенье, 28 Июля 13, 13:15 | Сообщение # 3
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Dear Davignon, that is very noble of you, appreciate that a lot! Will be waiting for further (good) news! :)
davignonДата: Пятница, 02 Августа 13, 21:18 | Сообщение # 4
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Marcel Mule - ….Encore! 
Classical/Various Style Periods | FLAC lossless |cuesheets+log | covers+booklet | 78m56s | 220mb
Clarinet Classics | CC 0021

Here is the first of two albums Best compare Marcel Mule to his age peer and compatriot MarcelMoyse. What Moyse was for the flute, Mule was for the saxophone. Awesome playing here by Mule and other players from severalof his quartets. Such smoothness, such delicacy! 

Marcel Mule (24 June 1901 — 18 December 2001) was aFrench classical saxophonist. Marcel Mule was known worldwide as one of the
great classical saxophonists, and many pieces were written for him, premiered
by him, and arranged by him. Many of these pieces have become staples in the
classical saxophone repertoire. He is considered to be the founder of the
French Saxophone School and the most representative saxophone soloist of his
time, being a fundamental figure in the development of the instrument. 

01. Vellones: Rhapsodie for saxophone, harp, andceleste    [0:04:22.49]
02. Vellones: Le Dauphin   [0:03:07.60]
03. Pierne: Chanson d'Autrefois    [0:02:53.65]
04. Pierne: Chanson de la Grande-Maman    [0:02:34.32]
05. Rivier: Grave et Presto - Mvt. 1 - Grave    [0:04:04.45]
06. Rivier: Grave et Presto - Mvt. 2 - Preston    [0:04:02.70]
07. Pierne: Introduction et Variations sur une RondePopulaire    [0:08:32.53]
08. Gabriel-Marie: La Cinquantaine    [0:03:15.96]
09. Rimsky-Korsakov: Chanson Hindou    [0:02:52.41]
10. SaintSaens: Le Cygne   [0:02:56.16]
11. Dillon: Sonate pour Saxophone - Mvt. 1 - Allegro conbrio    [0:03:26.38]
12. Dillon: Sonate pour Saxophone - Mvt. 2 - Andante    [0:01:58.49]
13. Dillon: Sonate pour Saxophone - Mvt. 3 - Vivace    [0:02:03.80]
14. Dvorak/Kriesler: Humoreske    [0:03:02.61]
15. Marceau: Saxo-Folly (Soloist Paul Romby)    [0:02:56.93]
16. Romby: Orientalisme (Soloist Paul Romby)    [0:03:40.86]
17. Boccherinin: Menuet   [0:02:55.46]
18. Haydn: Scherzo from Quartet No. 41    [0:02:31.69]
19. Mendehlssohn: La Fileuse    [0:02:06.05]
20. Mendehlssohn: Agitato   [0:03:09.25]
21. Schumann: Scherzo from Quartet No. 1 in A minor    [0:03:00.89]
22. Raff: Explication   [0:02:53.10]
23. Vellones: Deux Pieces Pour Columbia - Mvt. 1 -Split    [0:03:24.26]
24. Vellones: Deux Pieces Pour Columbia - Mvt. 2 -Vitamines    [0:03:02.28]

Marcel Mule – soprano saxophone
Paul Romby – alto saxophone
Fernand L’Homme – tenor saxophone
Rene Chaligne – alto saxophone
Georges Chauvet – baritone saxophone
Hippolyte Poimboeuf – tenor saxophone
George Charon – tenor saxophone
Marcel Josse – alto saxophone
George Gordet – alto saxophone
Andre Bauchy – alto saxophone
Josephy Benvenuti – piano
M. Pellas-Lenom – piano
M. Gaveau – piano
B. Leonet - piano


Сообщение отредактировал davignon - Пятница, 02 Августа 13, 21:41
zimkirДата: Пятница, 02 Августа 13, 22:14 | Сообщение # 5
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good Thank you, Davignon!
komponistДата: Пятница, 02 Августа 13, 22:52 | Сообщение # 6
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Merci beaucoup, dear Davignon! Thanks a million! You wrote: "What Moyse was for the flute, Mule was for the saxophone." - Yes! The same magic of tone, complete involvement in the making (or, rather, giving birth to) of a musical image and transcendental virtuosity!
I am already playing your CD and enjoying it enormously! appl bravo appl

Сообщение отредактировал komponist - Пятница, 02 Августа 13, 22:58
davignonДата: Пятница, 02 Августа 13, 23:07 | Сообщение # 7
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The second one is coming soon; I'm having slightly more problems trying to restore the scans. You know, library stickers.

Both are beautiful albums, I'm very glad you requested for Mule. I'd never heard of him. But he belongs to that rare kind of musicians I'm always looking for
komponistДата: Пятница, 02 Августа 13, 23:22 | Сообщение # 8
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To me Mule was also a revelation! In their respective fields, Mule and Moyse were for their instruments what Grumiaux and Francescatti were for violin, or Maurice André - for trumpet! yes
davignonДата: Пятница, 02 Августа 13, 23:24 | Сообщение # 9
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Marcel Mule – ‘Le Patron’ of the Saxophone (1998) 
Classical/Various style periods | FLAC lossless |cuesheets+log | covers+booklet | 79m27s | 234mb
Label: Clarinet Classics | cat. no. CC0013 

01. Rameau / Rameau, Mule - Gavotte    [0:03:07.69]
02. Roelens / Roelens - Pavane et Menuet Vif    [0:03:12.04]
03. Fonse / Fonse, Marie - La Tyrolienne    [0:03:16.02]
04. Foret / Forêt - Patres   [0:03:20.70]
05. Genin / Genin, Combelle - Variations sur Marlborogh    [0:03:00.53]
06. Demerssman / Demerssman - La Carnival de Venise    [0:03:23.82]
07. Vellones / Vellones Concerto - Andante    [0:06:27.80]
08. Vellones / Vellones - Valse Chromatique    [0:03:17.30]
09. Glazounouv / Glazounov - Quatuor Theme &Scherzo    [0:03:08.82]
10. Boizoni / Bolzoni - Menuetto    [0:02:59.90]
11. Francaix / Françaix - Serenade Comique    [0:02:11.76]
12. Ibert / Ibert - Concertino da Camera I    [0:04:00.60]
13. Ibert / II    [0:04:01.70]
14. Ibert / III   [0:04:07.82]
15. Pierne / Pierné - Canzonetta    [0:03:40.30]
16. Ravel / Ravel, Mule - Piéce en Forme de Habanera    [0:02:50.29]
17. Drigo / Drigo, Auer - Les Milliones d'Arléquin -serenade    [0:03:16.44]
18. Combelle / Combelle- Esquisse    [0:02:57.29]
19. Bozza / Bozza - Concertino I    [0:03:39.13]
20. Bozza / II   [0:04:11.64]
21. Albeniz / Albeniz - Sevilla    [0:03:14.93]
22. Clerisse / Clèrisse - Cache-Cache    [0:03:03.49]
23. Bozza / Bozza - Scherzo    [0:02:54.06] 


Marcel Mule – soprano saxophone
Francois Gombele – saxophone
George Charon – tenor saxophone
Georges Chauvet – baritone saxophone
Paul Romby – alto saxophone
Fernand L’Homme – tenor saxophone
Marcel Gaveau – piano
Marthe Pellas-Lenom – piano
Joseph Benvenuti – piano 


Сообщение отредактировал davignon - Пятница, 02 Августа 13, 23:27
komponistДата: Пятница, 02 Августа 13, 23:32 | Сообщение # 10
Группа: Проверенные
Сообщений: 378
Статус: Offline
Wow! The second one is already here too! That was fast! download dance Thank you for this joy!
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